Page 90 of Gentling the Beast

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Jim nods. “I was curious when Tavion first asked me about it but thought no more of it until we crossed paths with members of his patrol earlier today.” He wipes a hand down his face. “Goddess weep, this is a living nightmare. That poor lass is an omega. I have seen the high orc ladies keeping them as pets, or worse. There is assuredly worse. We need to stop Judson, Jay, and the others, before they return. If they enter the den, Travis will either kill them or have them enslaved, too.”

“How did he spirit Fern and Tavion away without the rest of the pack noticing?” I ask thickly. “Do you think many others know?” Suddenly, the whole den feels dangerous, as I wonder who can be trusted.

“Ah, I have it,” another shifter, Dirk, speaks up. “They will be taking them through the tunnels.”

“Gods, you are right,” Jim says. “Which means we have a chance. How far away is Doug?”

“Close,” I say. “What do you plan to do, and how can we help?”

“Listen carefully,” Jim says. “We need to act fast.”

* * *

Doug arrives, bringing news that Ashe and his shifters were attacked by a Blighten patrol. A decoy perhaps, or part of this alliance Travis has formed that were sent with the intent to take Ashe out of commission.

Our plan is confirmed. Some of the lesser shifters return to the den to ensure mates and loved ones are safe. Jim, Dirk, and two others make haste to track the orcs who took Fern.

Doug and I head for Sparrowpit village in the hopes of catching the four remaining members of Tavion’s patrol before they can return.

Several miles out from the den, we crest the rise and see them, heading toward us at full tilt. As they spot us, they come to a skittering halt, paws raking up dirt.

“Set me down, Doug.” I gently pet the scuff of his neck, aware of the wildness coursing through my mate as my anxiety triggers his protective instincts.

The shifters stretch out, popping into human form, their confused eyes darting from Doug to me and back again.

Dawson, who is the highest among those present, steps closer. “What’s happened?”

“Taken,” I say, the word feeling like it must be punched from my lungs. “By the Blighten.”

“What? Who?” Perhaps worrying for me, Dawson dares to try and put his hand on my shoulder. Before I can ward him away, Doug growls.

“I will not harm your mate,” he says, taking an uneasy step back.

“Fern,” I say.

He frowns. “The fuck?!”

“A gift to the Blighten.” I want to weep all over again. “Travis has aligned himself with orcs.”

Dawson shakes his head as he tries to make sense of my disjointed comments. “I don’t understand.”

“I stayed alive as a slave because I made it my business to keep my ear to the ground. I knew something was happening within the pack but didn’t realize what. Then this morning, Doug and Ashe came upon Blighten orcs inside pack territory.”

I wring my hands as fresh tears spill down my cheeks. Doug nudges me with his snout.“Steady, love.”

“Why the fuck would Travis be speaking with the Blighten?” River, another patrol member, asks.

“Humans have betrayed their own people since the beginning of the wars,” I say bitterly, seeing the horror play out on their young faces. “Many gained positions of power within the Blighten because they sold out their own. Shifters have long been a thorn in the Blighten’s side, for none of the packs would entertain an alliance based on such betrayal. When I saw the orcs, I followed and overheard their conversation. Travis came across a book with details of an ancient pathway that once connected Hydornia to the lands that are now occupied by orcs. He is gifting the Blighten the book. In exchange, the Blighten will rid pack lands of the bear shifters.”

“How did they take her?” Dawson asks, his shoulders straightening as shock gives way to purpose.

“Tavion and Casper were taken to Travis’ personal quarters, where orcs lay in wait. Then two pack enforcers came and took Adam and Emric away…and Fern. The orcs are obsessed with omegas and often keep them as cherished pets.”

“Fuck! If we return to the pack, they will take us as well.” Dawson’s voice cracks a little with frustration. “How the fuck do we save them?”

I share a look with Doug.

“Jim is waiting,”he informs me.
