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Maddie listened to me and closed her eyes. I saw her tense up and furrow her brows. I wanted to take her into my arms, but I knew I couldn’t. Not until she shifted.

Maddie fell to her knees and a scream escaped her lips. My entire body tensed up and I had to fight against every instinct I had. I wanted to grab her and make the pain go away, but I knew I couldn’t.

“It’s okay, princess,” I said, my voice trembling. “It will only hurt for a moment, I promise.”

Maddie groaned and fell to her side. She opened her eyes and tried to take a deep breath.

My muscles were completely clenched. I was like a coiled spring, just wanting to throw myself at her and stop the pain.

“It’s okay, princess, it’s okay,” I mumbled. “Just a few more moments.”

Another scream escaped her lips and I saw fur appearing on her arms. My entire body started trembling with the need to go to her.

“Just a little bit longer, princess,” I muttered, gritting my teeth. “Just a little bit longer.”

Maddie started thrashing a little. She was panting hard and quiet whimpers kept escaping her lips. I was on the verge of losing my shit. I hated seeing her in pain. I fucking hated it.

“Dimitri,” she cried out for me and I almost fucking lost it.

‘No, Dimitri,’Skol said sternly.‘It’s almost over.’

I gulped and used every bit of strength I had to stay where I was.

“It’s almost over, princess,” I said, my voice trembling. “It’s almost over.”

Maddie screamed loudly and I saw her claws extend. Skol tensed up. I felt his need for Skye wash over me.

Maddie thrashed again and I saw her body transform into the most beautiful Lycan I ever laid my eyes on.

Skol and I gasped at the same time.

She was beautiful. Her fur was black and shiny. Her claws and canines were white and the flames from the fireplace made them look like they were sparkling. She was small, but I could tell that she was going to be a powerful wolf. She was just so beautiful and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

She whined quietly and opened her eyes.

“Skye,” I mumbled, making her look at me.

She whined and I was next to her in a second.

‘Let me out!’Skol exclaimed, pushing to be free.

‘Give me a second, okay?’I mumbled as I buried my nose into her fur.‘Just one second.’

“You are beautiful, princess,” I mumbled as I picked her up. “You are so beautiful.”

She nuzzled her snout into my chest and I smiled.

“It is so wonderful to finally meet you, Skye,” I mumbled. “I love you so much.”

She licked my neck and I laughed.

‘Dimitri,’Skol cried out and I could feel him trembling with need for her.

“Do you want to meet Skol?’ I asked her and she whined loudly.

I chuckled and ran my fingers through her soft fur.

“I will take that as a yes,” I said as I smiled at her.
