Page 27 of So Forgotten

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“I thought you said you thought I was comfortable.”

“I said youlookedcomfortable,” he clarified. “I’m sure you were really uncomfortable the whole night.”

“Well,” she said, grimacing as she worked a kink out of her neck. “I was. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said. “So did he get back to you?”

She blinked. “Who?”

“The Boss. Did he get back to you?”

She blinked again, then snapped her eyes to her laptop. It sat on the table, open. The screen was asleep, but when Faith touched the mousepad, it woke up and revealed an email thread between her and the Boss. She reddened slightly, closed the email and shut the laptop. “No,” she said simply.

“You know what he’s going to say.”

“So why are we talking about it?” she said, standing. “Let’s focus on this case.”

She reached for the door, and he put his hand on it and stood in front of her. “That’s kind of my point. The Boss has made it clear to you time and time again that you’re not to be involved in the Copycat Killer case, but you’re emailing him asking him for details and leads.”

“Yeah, he beat me and Turk both unconscious, killed Gordon and threatened you and David,” Faith said curtly. “Excuse me if I’m a little invested in it.”

“Except you’re not a little invested. You’re completely invested. You’re obsessed.”

Faith reached for the door handle, but Michael put his weight into the door and held it closed. “Faith, this affects more than just you. I need you focused onthiscase, the one we’re solving right now, not the case where your involvement means the end of your career.”

Faith met his eyes and said darkly. “Let go of the door.”

Michael’s own expression darkened. “Faith, we might not be friends anymore, but wearepartners, and I need you focused. If you can’t focus on this case, do me the courtesy of letting me know now so I can call Philadelphia and ask for a replacement.”

Faith’s stomach lurched at his words. She had suspected for a while that their friendship would eventually end if things continued the way they were, but hearing him say it aloud, confirming her worst fears, nearly collapsed her. She looked away from him so he wouldn’t see her lips tremble. When she was in control of herself, she looked back at him and said, “I am in control. I am focused. I am, have been, and will continue to do my job. I amalsointerested in the progress of the manhunt for the man who hurt me and Turk, killed my friend and threatened to kill my other friends, but in spite of that, I am still focused on the task at hand. Forgive me for sending an email.”

“Okay,” Michael said, lifting his hand off the door. “Then my advice as your partner is to not ask the Boss for this information. At this point, Faith, he’s looking for a reason. You understand?”

If I thought another SAC would do a better job of reining you in, I would have transferred you years ago.

I know you’re not going to let go. The only way that happens is if I charge you and imprison you.

I’m not there yet. But Iwillget there.

Faith lowered her eyes and nodded. “I understand.”

“All right.”

He backed off, and Faith left the conference room. She ran into a half-dozen uniforms on her way to the break room. All of them avoided her eyes.

She poured herself a cup of coffee, cursing when her trembling left hand caused her to scald herself. She flexed her right wrist, grimacing through the pain. It was stronger than it was yesterday, but still too weak to be useful.

I know we’re not friends anymore…

She reached for the coffee mug and missed the handle, knocking the cup over and spilling boiling coffee all over the floor. Some of it splashed onto her thigh, staining her pants and scalding her once more. “Dammit!”

She stepped back and favored her burning leg. Tears welled in her eyes, tears of frustration and anger and pain.


She took three deep breaths, then got some paper towels and started cleaning the mess. When she finished, she steadied herself and reached for the coffee pot again.

“I got it,” Michael said.
