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“Logically, I know people have cameras all the time and I could end up in a picture or video I don’t know about, but it’s one of those background ideas you don’t focus on. Do you know what I mean?” I nodded and offered a smile until she relaxed a little bit more. “It’s not until I actually see someone taking pictures or selfies that I have to leave just to make sure I don’t end up in them. You’re right, I want pictures of my wedding to Cameron, but I want to do it so that I’m the only one who has control over who gets them.”

I held up both hands at my chest. “That’s more than fair, Bec. Maybe you should talk to Cameron about the idea and see if he has any other input, since he knows the entire situation?”

She nodded against Bradley’s fur. “I will talk to him. I know he feels like I may never marry him, and I don’t want him to think that, so I have to be honest with him.”

“That’s right,” I agreed with a head nod. “Honest and open communication will always benefit a relationship, even if it’s difficult to open those lines of communication at first.”

“I know,” she said, resting Bradley on her lap. “Speaking of honest and open, you and Lance.”

I shook my head and laughed, not so much amused as embarrassed. “We’re friends, Becca. We have been since elementary albeit there was a period when we grew apart, but we’re adults now and time changes things.”

“He’s been through a lot in a short period of time. I notice his smile and laughter didn’t return until you were in his space.”

I shrugged uncomfortably. “I’m glad I can do that for him. I’ve been helping him at home with cleaning out Michelle’s things as well. I’ll do whatever I can to help him through the holidays this year. His mom loved Christmas so much that everything is going to remind him of her.”

“Including his last name,” she said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, even his last name,” I agreed with a soft smile.

When I was in fifth grade, I’d steal his pencils and writeIndigo Garlandall over my notebook pages. Oh, the joys of childhood. Then reality set in and I realized I’d never have that last name.”

“Heather told me something just about a year ago that stuck with me,” Becca said.

“What’s that?” I asked, almost afraid to know.

“She said that your life is scattered and complicated until you’re with the person meant for you. Once you are, everything in your life comes together to show you your future.”

I thought about what she said for a moment before I shrugged. “I can see how that’s true. All you have to do is see you and Cam together to know you two are soulmates. Lance and I are just friends, Becca.”

She sucked her lips between her teeth and tried not to laugh before she blew out a breath and smiled. “As Cam would say, okay, boo.”

I chuckled and shoved her playfully in the shoulder. “I’ll give you this much. Lance asked me on a date, so that’s what we’re doing tonight.”

Becca squealed so loudly that Bradley sat up and barked. “I knew it!”

I held my hands out to her to calm her. “You and I both know it’s not really a date. He’s feeling vulnerable and his emotions are vivid right now. That’s all it is.”

“Well, you go ahead and keep thinking that, babe. As for the rest of us, we know the truth.”

Before I could respond, the barn door opened and a little girl ran inside. “Auntie Wumdwop, I saw horseys!”

I scooped her up and set her on my lap as Lance strode in behind her. “Did you see the horses, Lucy?”

“Neigh!” she said with the cutest ‘hey’ at the end. “Wagon ride?”

“Sorry, I couldn’t hold her off any longer,” Lance said when he came to a stop by the fireplace. “She wants to get on that wagon and go.”

I squeezed her to me and smiled. “That’s okay, I’m ready for a wagon ride too!” I said, tickling her belly. “Is Auntie Becca coming with us?” I asked when I stood and took my coat from Lance.

Becca stood up too. “Not today. I need to put everything together for the Cookies and Cider event tonight. Have fun, Lucy!”

After a hug from her Auntie Becca, I set her down on the floor and she grabbed our hands and dragged us toward the door while she jabbered about horses, wagons, and trees. I glanced over at Lance and the smile he wore made me wonder if what Becca said was true.

Was Lance Garland my soulmate?

My heart stuttered in my chest but I pushed the thought down and away. There were too many extenuating circumstances for this to be anything more than friends, first date or no first date.

Chapter Seven
