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“Yeah, practice, for our big day.”

Before I could respond, his lips were on mine, kissing me with enough heat to tell me he was one hundred percent serious.

Chapter Eighteen

“What a night that was,” I said, shutting off the light and climbing into bed next to him.

He grabbed me and pulled me into him. “I agree, but your cake was a hit, Gumdrop.”

“I’m glad it worked out. She loved it when we tried it at the diner, so I thought why not make it for her wedding cake? They aren’t a traditional couple, so the gumdrop cake was the perfect choice.”

“I’m just glad they’re married, as I’m sure Cameron is,” Lance said, kissing my neck as he snugged me up to his chest. “He was starting to worry she would never find a way to do it. The last time he talked to me, I suggested they just go to the courthouse and do it without telling anyone. He was actually going to talk to her about it right after the holidays. He agreed that quietly putting that ring on her finger with no fanfare might be the only way to get hitched.”

“Ivy and I had suggested the same to Becca, but she really wanted to do this for Cameron. It just took her a little bit of time to figure it all out. She made him so happy tonight, though. She will remember tonight as a win against the demons that constantly try to cause havoc in her life.”

“When she told him that the ceremony had been recorded and he just picked her up and held her while he cried into her shoulder. It was powerful, you know?”

I gazed into his sweet face but his expression didn’t help me decipher what he meant. “I don’t know what you mean.”

He brushed the hair back from my face and trailed his finger down my cheek until I kissed the pad. “He wasn’t crying because she recorded the ceremony. He was crying because she overcame such a huge fear in her life to do something she knew was important to him. Am I saying that right?”

My eyes widened with understanding. “I never thought of it that way! I thought he cried because he was so touched to have the moment captured forever.”

His finger stroked my face continually now, raising goosebumps across my skin. “No, I could tell there was more to it than that,” he admitted with a shrug, which I immediately stopped. “That brain thing again,” he said and I nodded.

“I like that brain thing,” I whispered, scooting forward so I could kiss his lips. “You always think it’s a bad thing, but I don’t. I think it’s the best thing about you, Lance Garland. You’re in touch with other people’s emotions. I like that you’re a tender soul who cares about other people. I never have to question where I stand with you.”

“Mmm,” he agreed, kissing his way down my collarbone to my neck. “And tonight, I’m not standing. I’m lying with you and if you weren’t so tired, I’d show you how much I love you.”

“Who said I was tired?” I asked, lifting my arms above my head as a hint for him to take my shirt off.

He straddled me and stripped my tank top off, his gaze immediately dropping to my breasts, now naked in the cold air. My nipples peaked and he immediately grasped one between his lips, suckling to warm it as I writhed underneath him. He scooted down until he could slip a hand under my sleep pants to caress the soft hair at my apex. He moaned and the sound reverberated through my chest until he released my nipple and kissed his way down my bare belly. All the while, his fingers tugged my sleep pants down until they were off. Soon I was bare to his gaze so he stripped his shirt off and his boxers followed right behind it.

He pushed my legs apart tenderly and kissed his way up each thigh until he finally kissed me in the spot that ached for him. “Lance,” I begged, grasping his hair in my hands. “I want you.”

“I want you too, Gumdrop,” he hissed, right before his tongue took a swipe. He moaned low as he took several more tastes before lifting his head. “You always taste so sweet. I can’t get enough of you.”

He lifted my hips over his and scooted closer until his need pressed against my opening. “Do you love me, Indigo?” he asked, his voice breathless and trembling.

“With everything I am, Lance,” I promised, lifting my hips to join us.

He sank inside me, his sigh filling the room. “Indie,” he cried, his hips bucking against mine. “I never want to let you go.”

He attacked my lips while his hips worked with the rhythm of mine to bring us up onto that plane where nothing existed but us. Words weren’t needed when we were joined together with nothing between us but our hearts. I loved him and he loved me. In the end, that was all any of us could ask for out of this life. To find the person who completed us. I knew he was the piece I was missing the moment he filled me the first time.

Making him feel good was easy and I lifted my hips to allow him in deeper, his guttural moan filling my head when he did.

“I’m not going to last long tonight, Indie,” he cried. He was using all of his strength to take it slow and hold himself back from being too rough.

“Then stop holding back,” I whispered into his ear before I blew across it. “Carry me to the moon, Lance.”

Our hips took over then and we lost control of our lovemaking. Our wants could no longer be denied and with a few more rotations of his hips, I was not only on the moon but floating among the stars. The sweet, blissful feeling of floating through the night sky until I landed back in his arms left me sated and smiling.

“That was beautiful,” he whispered, kissing my lips. “You’re beautiful. I can’t believe I get to make love to you every night.”

“Well, not every night,” I teased. “I’ll need a break every few weeks or so.”

He chuckled and nuzzled his nose into my neck, kissing and sucking until I knew I’d be wearing a turtleneck tomorrow. “Promise me you won’t leave me ever again, Indie.” His words were frantic and desperate, so I wrapped my arms around him to rub his back.
