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“I like rewards.” And it sounded like lots of good attention too. “I like doing things with you too, Master.”

He nodded, kissing my nose before shifting back to strip off my underwear. “I can’t wait to fill my little attention whore’s love bucket all the way up.”

That sounded sweet and scary all at the same time.

“I…I like attention.” I’d already confessed that, so talking about it was easier than focusing on how he had me step out of my underwear.

Thinking about how I looked in the cage would’ve just made the cage feel entirely too small, so I thought about getting attention and making Master happy and…shoot.

The cage was too small.

As I groaned, closing my eyes and trying not to think about the crazy feelings flooding through me, Master made a low, wicked chuckle. “Such a sweet, sexy attention whore.”

Master trailed his fingers up the sides of my hips, somehow reminding me of how naked I was without actually pointing it out. “Do you remember when you asked me about what would make me happy? What my reward might be?”



Nodding, I took a deep breath and did my best to answer with words as I forced my eyes open. “Yes, Master.”

That had him making a pleased sound which did wonderfully terrible things to my dick. So of course, I groaned which had him chuckling again. He liked torturing me and just having that realization hit me had my dick trying to react again.

How was it that stupid?

“You look so sexy.” He said sexy but he kissed my cheek sweetly. “I can’t wait to finish getting you dressed up, though, because I think I deserve a reward, don’t you?”

I wasn’t sure if he was fucking with me or giving me an out, but either way, I had to agree with what he’d said. I’d woken him up stupidly early with a nearly nonsensical text and he’d made me breakfast because I’d hidden in my little side.

“Yes, Master.” Sighing, I couldn’t see any way around rewarding him. “You’ve been very good to me even though I wasn’t the most well-behaved sub. I…I might’ve woken you up this morning. I’m sorry.”

He chuckled, a smirk making him look even more wicked. “You’ve been very interesting this morning, but don’t worry, I’m not going to punish you. I’m just going to get a reward for being patient.”

What would a punishment have looked like?



“Yes, I think this is going to be much more memorable than any punishment would’ve been.” Master gave me another innocent cheek kiss, but as he crouched down in front of me, his smile sent a shiver through me.

I really should’ve remembered that sending him the limits list would actually let him know what my limits were.

Somehow, I’d forgotten about that part with all the worrying about making sure I didn’t take too long and just thinking about the cage in general. I’d woken up picturing it and imagining how it would be to wear it when Master would be in control…and sleepy orgasm-deprived subs should never be allowed to text first thing in the morning.

It was dangerous…their Masters might actually give them what they wanted.

“Put your hands on my shoulders and step into your outfit.” Master’s reminder not to tip over was smart, but outfit?

The black, silky, ribbon-like edges that wrapped around my waist and thighs really couldn’t be counted as underwear, much less an outfit.

What had I been thinking?

“Perfect.” Master leaned in and kissed the cage, smiling like it was a masterpiece in a museum instead of my soft, trapped dick. “Just like I’d imagined.”

An almost lightheaded feeling swept through me as he rose and wrapped his arms around me again. This time when he was stroking his hands over my back, he didn’t hesitate as he caressed my ass and teased at the edges of the fabric he’d decorated me in.

All I could do was relax into the feelings coursing through me and into his touch as I did my best to ignore the needy ache that was building inside me.
