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One Month Later

Christmas Eve


“If I ask Daddy very sweetly, will he say yes?” Ruslan wasn’t little but he was looking longingly at all the presents under the tree.

“If Russie asks to open a present, he knows which one he’s going to get to pick.” He and Jacki had been convinced they needed matching pajamas for Christmas morning, so that was waiting to be opened, but I knew Ruslan wanted something more fun.

Stepping closer to the tree he’d spent hours obsessively decorating, he nodded slowly. “But what if your sweet sub asks to open a present?”

And there was the magic question.

“Well, I don’t know.” Looking thoughtful, I studied the pile of presents and shifted closer to one in particular. “We did say that there would be a few for grown-up Ruslan in the pile and a few for my sub.”

Shrugging as he held his breath and got even more ridiculously excited, I frowned. “But shouldn’t we wait until tomorrow night to open those?”

Ruslan would expire from pent-up excitement if we waited that long to open the rest of the presents, but dragging it out was almost as much fun as actually opening presents.

He let out a slow breath, clearly scrambling to get his thoughts in order. “Spreading out over two days might make it more memorable, though. Why…why don’t we each pick out something for the other to open?”

He’d been overly generous when it came to buying me presents, so I had more than a few to pick from but as curious as I was to see what he’d picked out for me, I knew what I wanted him to have. So I took his hand and pulled him against me, chuckling when he started to pout. “One special present tonight for my special sub.”

Ruslan shivered, eyes going wide with excitement. “Thank you, Master.”

“You’re welcome.” I knew his sweetness wouldn’t last long because the excitement of the season seemed to play havoc with his ability to behave, but I was going to enjoy it until I got another reason to spank him or to play with Russie.

Giving him one last quick kiss, I stepped back and reached for the present I’d been waiting weeks to give him. “This one.”

I was frustrated that his new kneeling cushion was still wrapped neatly under the tree, but we made do with one of the couch pillows as I sat down and he settled in place. “Beautiful.”

I’d never get over how perfect he looked nestled between my legs, but I didn’t let myself get distracted as I handed him the small flat square box. “Here you go. Merry Christmas, sweet boy.”

I couldn’t tell if his excited shiver was from getting to open a present in general or if he’d guessed what it was, but I had to pretend to be calm and patient as he slowly peeled off the gift wrap. He was definitely soaking up every second, so I told myself not to be a dick and worked on my control as he finally got to the flat white box.

“Master?” Ruslan went up on his knees and kissed my cheek. “No…no matter what it is, I want you to know that you’ve made everything about the last few weeks perfect.”

“You’ve been what made it special.” I brushed my lips against his before pulling back to cup his face. “But thank you, baby.”

Having so much time off together had made the season even more special and I knew how he was feeling because I felt the same way.

Ruslan nuzzled against me before looking down at his box and letting out a shaky breath. “Thank you, Master.”

I wasn’t sure what was going through his mind, but he finally opened the lid and sucked in a breath as he stared down at the thin silver collar that would nestle right at the base of his neck.

As he reached out and ran a finger around it, I couldn’t resist leaning in and kissing his head. “It will lie flat against your skin and be almost invisible under your shirt.”

“So it doesn’t have to come off.” His quietly whispered words went right through me.

“Because collars stay on and I don’t ever want this one to come off.” Kissing his forehead, I picked up the collar and offered it to him. “I want this collar to stay on you because I love you so much and I don’t ever want you to forget that you’re loved and owned and so precious my life wouldn’t be complete without you. Will you wear my collar?”

His hands were shaking as the box tumbled to the floor, but he looked confident as he took it from my hand and finally met my gaze. “Yes, Master. I love you too. You’ve…you’ve turned my life upside down and I never knew how much I was missing until you brought me out of my shell. I love you. Daddy. Master. Dante. I love every piece of our relationship.”

“I love you too, baby.” Going from being his Secret Santa to his not-so-secret Dom, so much had changed for us over the past month, but I knew it would just keep getting better because when a relationship started with Christmas magic, nothing could ever compare.

