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The one being in the entire universe that infuriates her just asked her to marry him–and she can’t say no.




“Ihate my boss.” Alissia Adami banged on the photocopier two more times, just in case the ancient machine finally decided to cooperate. Dust puffed out of its sides. She wondered if the last person who’d used it was still alive.

“You don't hate your boss,” said Lily, a fresh transfer in the legal department and Alissia’s best friend at the Alien Inc. company.

“You’re right.” Alissia sighed. “I don’t.”

It probably would’ve been easier if she did. Instead, heaven help her, Alissia actuallyrespectedher boss, Rynar Te'Oken. Not right now, though.

She was annoyed and, worst of all, behind schedule.

She placed her hands on her hips, staring at the boxy machine like she wanted to rip it to shreds. If she had any upper body strength, she might have.

If only Rynar would have agreed to input the mountain of ancient Deruzian documents into Alien Inc.’s super modern platform, the system would have spit these pages out in 5 seconds.

But after mountains of data he’d insisted be scanned into the system, so they’d have back-ups on top of back-ups, now he was suddenly tech shy?

“It’s just another assignment,” Lily went on in that crystalline voice of hers. No wonder Zaryn had fallen head over horns for her.

“It’s not part of my job.” Alissia crossed her hands in front of her chest. “And I have other things to do.”

Maybe photocopying these documents wouldn’t have bothered her on a normal day. But the deadline for the interplanetary shipment contracts had just been set for tomorrow and Doug hadn’t bothered to mention it to her until thirty minutes ago.

Alissia hated going over deadlines, even when they weren’t technically hers.

As a paralegal in Alien Inc.'s legal department–aka The Jungle–Alissia knew the hierarchy. Lawyers ruled, and everyone else basked in their glory and did their bidding. Most of them didn’t deserve it.

Rynar did. Even Alissia could admit that–not out loud, to anyone, but…still. He was the best damn lawyer in the department.

But he’d annoyed her with this request and Alissia just wanted to grab him by the horns and…and do what?

Since the portal between Earth and Deruzia, a planet galaxies away, had opened at the outskirts of the city ten years ago and humans had found out that, hey, we’re not alone, people also discovered that beings out there in the universe were also more powerful. Way more powerful. With their horns, dark eyes, fangs, and super speed and strength, Deruzians could outdo any human in combat.

So the whole grabbing Rynar’s horns plan was out. Unfortunately.

People had no clue what to call Deruzians at first, except for aliens and monsters. Well-mannered, intelligent alien monsters, but still. They weren’t stony and gray, so not gargoyles. Their hands could light up in flames as their fingers elongated into claws, but they couldn’t actuallybreathefire, so they weren’t some humanoid dragons. The whole horns thing made people think they were demons, but then, where were their tails and the general evilness?

No, Deruzians didn’t fit neatly into any category. They were something else. Mysterious and impressive aliens, with a mind for business that rivaled any human billionaire.

Since they’d stepped out of the portal from their home realm, all Deruzians had wanted was to peacefully expand their businesses. Which was fine for most humans.

Profit was profit, horned or not.

But some of them could be so infuriating when they wanted to.

Rynar certainly was.
