Page 92 of All of My Lasts

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“I’m proud of you, baby.” I kiss the top of her head that rests on my chest.

“I’m proud of me too.”



Onthedrivebackto London, Liam’s hand rests on his favourite place when we travel together, wrapped around my thigh. It’s the sweetest thing and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love it.

A loud bang and a drawling sound shakes the car and I sit rod straight. “What was that?” Just as Liam shouts “Shit!”

“I’m pretty sure that is a blown tyre.” He slowly pulls over and tells me to stay put, the hazard lights clicking in the car as he checks. I can see it in his face as soon as he sees the tyre on my side is blown. He looks at me and makes a neck slice motion, telling me it’s a goner.

I wind down my window when the smell of burning rubber fills the car. “Have you ever changed a tyre, lover boy?”

“Define change a tyre…”

I laugh loudly. “If I need to define it, you definitely haven’t done it.” I jump down from the car and look down at the shredded tyre. “Yeah, that is completely gone. Let’s check the back for a spare.”

I move to the boot and dig around until I touch the compartment where the spare tyre should be. “I never asked, but why do you have this car anyway? Where’s your fancy Tesla?”

“It needed some work doing on it, so I rented this car. Fancied a change for a while.”

I nod, whilst rummaging for the latch to open the compartment. “Aha!” I shriek, opening the hidden layer beneath the car. “Here it is and here are all the tools we need.”

Liam looks at the tyre, tools and back to me, completely confused. “Don’t worry, city boy, I’ll show you what to do with your tools.” I pat his shoulder whilst picking up the box.

“Oh yeah, I bet you’d like to show me what I can do with my tools.” He stalks towards me and I laugh, stopping him with my palm flat on his chest.

“You, Liam Taylor, are about to be schooled. Grab the tyre and bring it around to the side of the car.”

His mouth remains mostly unhinged as I walk around the car and loosen the wheel nuts. I wait for him to join me because I want him to learn. He eventually stops gawking and places the tyre down by the side of us.

“Okay, this is the tyre iron, and this is the jack. It lifts the car. I’ve loosened the wheel nuts, so now we need to jack up the car. You then remove the wheel nuts and make sure you keep them somewhere safe, switch the tyres over, put the wheel nuts back on, tighten them and then the car comes back down.” I realise he is staring at me, licking his lips like he wants to eat me. “Are you even listening?”

“You are so fucking hot right now. I can’t tell you how much you are turning me on.”

I swat his arm. “Behave and listen. Then if you’re a good student, maybe I’ll give you a reward after class.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He smiles like a giddy schoolboy and I can’t stop the chuckle building in my chest.

It takes us over thirty minutes to change the tyre because Liam couldn’t keep his hands to himself, constantly pinching and groping me all over my body. We’re both covered in black grease. Liam stands, sweat covering his brow as he wipes it with the back of his arm, smudging more grease over his face and I smile. All his touching has done is ignite that fire deep in my belly that’s just for him and seeing him dirty and sweatydoesthings to me.

“So, what’s the verdict, Miss Scott? Was I a good student or do you need to punish me?” His arms slowly snake around my waist and he jerks me forward, forcing a gasp from me. A car driving by beeps his horn, snapping me out of my Liam-induced haze and I smile at him knowingly.

“Let’s go home, lover boy, so I can show you how I want you to use your other tool.” I slowly and purposefully trail a finger down his front until I reach his belt buckle and I tug him closer so I can bite his ear playfully. His body is throwing sexy pheromones at me like I’ve won the jackpot. I smile, sauntering past him as I climb into our newly fixed car.

As we drive, Liam stops at traffic lights while a few parents walk across the road holding the hands of their children. I watch as they dote on the mini versions of themselves, smiling and laughing, looking really bloody adorable. Something hits me square in my chest as I realise that I want that. Not right now, but the thought of being married and having little Liam’s running around doesn’t terrify me like it used to… like it did a few months ago when Grayson mentioned it. In fact, I evenlikethe idea of being Liam’s wife. Actually I’m lying… Ilovethe idea.

“So, I was thinking…”

“Uh-oh, that’s dangerous,” Liam scoffs.

“You’re awful, you know that?” I smirk.

“Go on…” He tilts his head, encouraging me to continue.

“Well… I know we talked about forever, but what does that look like for you?” I wring my hands in my lap.
