Page 99 of All of My Lasts

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Fuck, whatever I call her can never justify how incredible she is.

“What are you staring at over there, lover boy?” Jess gets my attention and smiles widely.

“Oh, just checking out my insanely hot wife.” I move towards her and wrap her in my arms, placing my hands on her beautiful swelling belly.

She hums as I stroke her stomach over her t-shirt. “Insanely hot or insanely huge. I feel the size of a hippo right now. I swear this time round I’m so big.”

I turn her to hold her face in my hands and kiss her deeply, leaving her breathless. “No, baby, you’re wrong. I’ve never been more attracted to you than I am right now. You are seriously rocking this hot Mama body and I want to eat you up.” I lean in and growl into her neck, making her squeal with delight.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m glad you’re mine.” She pushes onto her tiptoes and kisses me softly.

I’m just about to drag her inside and lick her from head to toe when Poppy appears next to us and tugs at my t-shirt.

“Daddy, my hungry. Can I have snacks now?” Her big, blue eyes shine up at me and her caramel hair wildly flops into her face, just like her mother’s. My girls have me wrapped around their little fingers and soon another one will make me even more outnumbered.

Jess and I laugh as I scoop Poppy up into my arms and kiss her cheek. “I can do that, baby girl. Actually, you want to help Daddy make some dinner? Mummy is going to put her feet up and read her new book, so I need a sous chef tonight.”

I take her hand leading her to the kitchen at the front of the house and place her on the kitchen worktop, and she looks at me confused. “What’s a Susie chef?”

I chuckle. “A sous chef, baby. They are the second in command in the kitchen, which means you are technically one of the bosses tonight.” I nudge her and wink making her chuckle.

“Daddy, you’re silly. Mummy is bossy, not you. I like to be Susie-chef though. Can I pleeeeease?”

Her little voice and her Poppy-isms have me melting. How she we made her so perfectly, I’ll never know.

“Pops, you’re so funny and so right. Mummy is the boss,” Jess shouts from the lounge.

“I’m pretty sure she said Mummy is bossy, but you keep reading, baby. Me and my Susie-chef have work to do,” I shout back and hear Jess snigger.

An hour and lots of deep breaths later, Poppy and I are serving pasta and roasted vegetables.

“Mummyyyy, dinner’s ready,” Poppy shouts from the dining room. “Come onnnn, my hungry,” she whines. She definitely inherited her mum’s hangry trait too.

“I’m coming baby. It just takes Mummy a little longer to get anywhere with your sister in my belly.”

Jess comes slowly into the dining room. Her eyes are sleepy and she’s wearing her glasses on; I love this relaxed, natural, barefoot and pregnant version of her.

“Hey, mama,” I say, giving her the once over, biting my lip.

“It smells so good in here. Did you have a good time being Daddy’s Susie-chef?” Jess moves to Poppy and kisses her head then to me.

“I like it, but my so hungry now.” She rubs her tummy and licks her lips looking at the food in front of her.

“Here, baby girl, let me help you.” I spoon some pasta and vegetables onto her plate, and she dives right in, then I plate up Jess’ food too.

Sitting around the dinner table eating with my girls has my heart beating fast. I’m so fucking happy. I wish I could go back in time and tell 16-year-old me that he gets the girl in the end and she’s worth every single day of the wait.


Liam stumbles sleepily into our bedroom, after falling asleep with Poppy in her bed. The fact he is so enamoured with our girl makes me love him on another level.

I sit on my side of our bed, rubbing my stomach, feeling like the luckiest woman in the whole world.

The mattress dips as Liam gets in, kissing my forehead before lying down. His body glows with the small amount of light peeking in through the curtains, and I run my fingers over his stomach and watch his abs flex under my touch. The need for my husband has not gone away and I know it never will. He grabs my wrist.

“Are you teasing me, baby? Hm? Something you need?” His voice is laced with amusement andGod, that’s turning me on more.

“I want you,” I say breathlessly, desire pooling at my core.
