Page 4 of All Of My Heart

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“When it’s my birthday, you’re both invited, and we’ll go somewhere better than Vegas,” I promise both of them.

“Nothing is better than Vegas, Zo. Nothing. Tell Owen he owes me one,” Grayson replies.

“Baby, go check on dinner, please,” Nora mumbles to Grayson. “God, he’s driving me mad at the moment. I love him, but we’re trying to figure out a moving date, and it’s stressing me out because we’re both so busy.”

“Stop, you don’t hate it. You love it.” I smile, my heart warming with my friend’s happiness.

I hear Nora chuckle. “I do. I’m all gross and in love.”

“Gross is right.” I let out a small sigh. “Anyway, gotta go, baby girl. I’ll text you when we land.”

“Enjoy Vegas and remember… Whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”

I bark a laugh at the cliché I know I’ll probably live by whilst I’m in Vegas. Hot American guys and sunshine. What more could a girl ask for? God knows it’s not just a holiday I’m in dire need of.

“Sure thing. Tell Grayson I’ll send him pictures of what he’s missing out on. Love you, bye.”

We hang up, and I look at my mostly empty suitcase. I have plenty of clothes, shoes, and accessories, but I don’t know how to pack for Vegas. It’s all glitz and glamour in the movies, but it also feels like anything goes. I love being eccentric with my outfits, but I also don’t want it to look like I got dressed in the dark.’. It’s a fine line.

I chew my bottom lip, thinking about outfit options, before walking to my small wardrobe. Something pink and glittery catches my eye, my pink denim jacket with the glittery tassels. “Oh yes, very Vegas.”

I embrace the theme and decide to pick out the brightest clothes I own, some skimpy, some not. I toss them haphazardly into the case before forcing the zip shut.

“There,” I huff, moving my blonde hair out of my face. My phone goes off just as I’m picking my suitcase up, and Lloyd’s number flashes across the screen.

I swipe to answer him. “Lloyd, I’ve just zipped my case. Please tell me you’re calling to wish me a safe flight,” I ask, heaving my case to the living area.


“Noooooooo. That’s the voice you use when you’re telling me something’s wrong.”

“There might be something wrong. I have it under control. I just need you to approve the cost.”

My heart leaps into my throat. “Cost? I’m guessing you’re not talking about your overtime.”

Lloyd grunts. “There’s been a leak in the new cat houses. It was like the Titanic. I had to stop myself from playing Rose and shouting ‘Come back, Jack’ whilst Sam was trying to save all the kittens and I was trying not to get wet a—”

“The cost, Lloyd,” I moan, rubbing my temples, praying that I don’t have to sell a kidney.

“Right.” He lets out a sigh as if he’s preparing himself to give me the bad news. “The whole section at the back needs replacing, and the guy said it will cost at least five grand.”

“Five… grand… Jesus. Is he also giving our cats gold boxes to shit in?” I huff. Sweat forms at the base of my neck, making my skin itch. It’s not that I don’t have the money, it’s that I need the second part of my trust fund even more now. I suck in a deep breath. Then another. “Okay, it’s going to be fine. Charge it to my account. I’ll have to win big in Vegas or maybe be a stripper for a night. It is Vegas, after all,” I ramble, my pulse still thumping loudly in my ears.

“Hey, if any boss I know could strip, it’s you,” he mocks, but I ignore him.

“Right. I should cancel the trip,” I say, not really listening. My mind whirling with a mountain of thoughts.

“You’re not cancelling. I’m only calling to make sure I can charge your account. I was going to do it anyway, but Sam told me that’s fraud or whatever.” I can practically hear him rolling his eyes.

I smile, even though I feel like I’m hanging on the edge of a cliff.

Brushing my hands through my hair, I let my brain cogs turn for a second.That section of the building is new. It shouldn’t have had issues this soon.

“Lloyd, book the plumber, email the insurance company. There’s no way the pipes in a new building should explode like that and make sure those kittens aren’t hurt. Put them in the old room with their crates for now.”

“Cats are already safe in the backroom, boss.”

“Thanks.” I sigh, feeling a little bit relieved. This is going to be okay.
