Page 46 of All Of My Heart

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Chapter 25


“Haveyoueverbeento Ascot before?” I ask Zoey as she sits at the dresser in her bedroom, getting ready. I spot some post-it notes with kittens on the edge and smile. I’ve noticed the flat becoming more and more ‘Zoey’. It started with her favourite woven throw blanket that now lives on the back of the couch. And there’s more post-it notes by the front door and in the kitchen. All with cute animals and very ‘Zoey’. The thing is, I like it all.

It’s been four days since we told her family about us. Since I shouted at her father, I refuse to let anyone make Zoey feel less than she is. She’s amazing, kind and full of life and hearing someone try and tear all that from her… No, I wasn’t about to let that happen. Luckily, her brothers have been okay about it all. Max hasn’t cut me out and Owen, well, he’s still his usual stoic self.

“Uhh, I think once, when I was younger,” she replies, fluttering a brush over her cheeks.

“Okay, well, most of my team will be there, so you can meet them.” I pull out my cufflinks from the box and put them on as I continue. “We’re in a box, but they’re connected to other companies too, Bancroft Insurance included.”

I look up just in time to see the flicker of hesitation in her eyes. “So, that’s why you told me there would be booze because I’ll need it to survive today?”

“That and… I’m pretty sure Vanessa is going to be there,” I say, wincing, waiting for her to flat out refuse to go. I wouldn’t blame her. Not only will she be around her parents, but also my vindictive ex. If she’s really okay with this, I’ll massage her feet for the entire year as a thank you.

She shrugs. “Okay, no big deal. If I’ve lived my whole life with my parents, a little entitled socialite won’t hurt me. It might actually be fun.”

It’s official. Zoey Bancroft is perfect.

Walking up behind her, I watch her in the mirror, not able to stop the smile from spreading across my face.

“What? Is my make up too much?” she asks, looking back at her reflection.

I shake my head. “No. I was just thinking about how I’m grateful for you. You make marriage seem easy.”

“I make fake marriages seem easy,” she replies, her blue eyes focusing on me in the mirror, sending a bolt of need spearing its way into my body. And this isn’t the first time it’s happened. Zoey is a very touchy feely person. I know she’s told me before that physical touch is her thing, but I don’t know if she realises how much each of her touches engrains into my skin and keeps me coming back for more. A graze, a brush of a fingertip. I’m an addict, and I can’t stay away from her. And now, even though she isn’t touching me, her stare blankets me completely, making a warmth pool in my gut.

Considering I’m older, I should have better check on my impulses. The issue is, I can’t always convince my dick he won’t be going near her. He’s overeager for Zoey’s attention, and that’s unnerving for a guy who likes to be in control.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she says, breathlessly.

I smirk as I lean down behind her, caging her in between the dresser and my front. Yeah, that control is slipping for sure and I’m barely hanging on. “How am I looking at you, Zo?”

Her breasts heave with exertion from the fluttering of her rapid pulse I can see in her neck. “Like you could devour me with one bite.” She swallows thickly, and I turn my head to inhale her hair. Sweet and soft, just like her.

“Is that so?” I inhale again, letting the smell of her seep into my soul and I’m rewarded when she shudders, goosebumps marring her flesh. Her head tips to the side, and her beautiful soft skin is even more exposed, enough for me to take a bite of her if I wanted to. To mark her as mine, as much as the ring on her finger tells the world. “Do you want me to devour you?” I rasp, licking my lips, imagining how sweet her skin tastes.

“Harrison,” she pleas, and the sound of her begging has something inside me roaring for release.

Closing my eyes, I shift on my feet. “Sweetheart, if I’m going to devour you, I need longer than…” I lift my suit jacket to check my watch. “Twenty minutes.” I straighten my stance, moving away from temptation and cock blocking myself, wishing that today wasn’t the day we have somewhere to be.

Zoey holds my stare in the mirror, want, need, and desire all shining in her bright blue eyes. “You’re the worst kind of tease, Mr Clarke.” She spins around so her face is in direct line with my crotch, and an involuntary groan leaves my throat when she zeros in on the obvious bulge and licks her lips.Goddamn.

Zoey slowly widens her legs, letting the robe she’s wearing fall to either side of her thighs. A peek of white lace tells me she’s wearing a bra, but I have no idea if she’s wearing underwear, and if I were to look too far down, I’d forget all the reasons why we shouldn’t even be doing this much teasing.

She presses her hands between her legs onto the stool she’s sitting on and arches her back, tipping her head backwards as she looks up at me like a goddamn seductress.

“I’mthe worst tease?” I counter, raising my eyebrows.

She smiles slowly and sensually and my cock thickens further against my chinos.Does she have any idea what she does to me?

“It doesn’t matter because we’re not going there.” The way she says it doesn’t feel like fact, she’s framed it like a question, and I don’t know how to answer without breaking all the boundaries we’ve set.

“That’s true, so why don’t you spell out your problems for me because I know you’ve got something to say,” I reply, need wavering my voice.

She sighs long and deep, breaking our eye contact for a second before bringing it right back with enough fierceness it could set me on my backside. “I can’t control these urges I get around you and they’re making me crazy.” She shifts, pressing her fingertips into her thighs and dragging them up to the edge of her robe, gripping enough to see the pull of the material around her neck. “Phallic objects everywhere. Sex crazed animals follow me around at work, and it’s…” Her wild eyes lock onto mine as she exhales throatily. “It’s driving me insane.”

I tilt my head, watching her pant with need, staring at the marks she left on her thighs, wishing they were my marks. I watch her eyes fall to my lips like she wants me to kiss her.Fuck, I want to kiss her.
