Page 8 of All Of My Heart

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She pats my chest, laughing carefree. “I’m joking, Harrison, relax.”

I’m definitely not seeing the joke. I am crushing on my best friend’s little sister, and I shouldn’t be.

She walks towards the exit, and I take a deep cleansing breath, looking up at the ceiling of the plane, reminding myself that I’m here to relax and have fun. That doesn’t include sex with Zoey.

Stepping off the plane, I’m hit with that stifling Vegas air as I walk down the stairs. “Jesus, I forgot how hot it gets here.” I blow out a big breath, trying to acclimatise as quickly as possible.

“Too hot for you, big guy?” Max laughs. “Let’s get you by the pool and cool you off.”

Zoey is already strutting down towards a waiting car, and the others are already inside another one.

I nod to the driver and crouch to get inside the black saloon. I expect to see Max next to me, but of course, I’m sitting next to the little vixen whose smile is brighter than the ‘Welcome to Vegas’ sign.

While Zoey applies lip balm and brushes her hair, I try not to stare, taking out my phone and turning off aeroplane mode. There was Wi-Fi on the plane, and I had every intention of answering emails, but that didn’t happen, so now several messages and notifications obnoxiously beep in the car.

“Someone’s popular,” Max chides from the front seat.

“Just work shit,” I reply, even though most, if not all, the messages appear to be from Vanessa, ranting in capital letters about fuck knows what.

“Is it Vanessa?” Max asks.

“Nothing I can’t handle,” I say, squashing the conversation. I don’t want to waste energy on her, not when I’m supposed to be relaxing. I feel another set of eyes on me. Zoey’s bright blue orbs take me in, filled with curiosity. Before I can speak, she looks away with a frown.

Within forty minutes, we’re pulling up outside the Bellagio hotel. The trademark building swoops itself around in a half-moon shape with the famous fountain out front. Zoey stares out the window, watching the fountain go off like it always does in the movies. “This is amazing,” she breathes.

“Come on, baby sis, let’s go check out how amazing it all is,” Max says, exiting the car.

“Stop calling me baby sis,” she mutters to herself as she follows him.

All six of us walk into the foyer, greeted by concierges as we approach. When we step inside, the beautiful glass flower ceiling radiates colour into the open space, whilst the botanical conservatory frames the reception desk. “Wow, this place is unreal,” Zoey marvels as she spins around.

Walking to the check-in desk, Owen takes charge. “Reservation for Bancroft.” The way he says his last name, like he’s James Bond, has me chuckling to myself. “There should be four rooms. Two double suites and two single rooms.” The receptionist taps on the computer, scowls, taps again, and scowls more, leaving me uneasy.

“I can see we have three of our penthouse rooms reserved. But unfortunately, the suites up there don’t split into singles, sir. I can see if we have any singles available on another floor?” She quickly taps her keyboard before looking up and shaking her head. “I’m so sorry, Mr Bancroft, there aren’t any suites that would suit your single occupancy.”

Max and Owen share a look between them. Zoey, Nate, and Aaron are oblivious to this new revelation. The boys flirting up a storm with my best friend’s baby sister. I mean, they’re right fucking there, and they aren’t being subtle about it either.

Max discusses something with the receptionist, and I’m distracted watching the way Zoey is so at ease with everyone. I don’t know if she knew Nate and Aaron before, but if she didn’t, she’s very comfortable with them already, touching their arms, flicking her hair, and smiling at them. My jaw tightens watching them. She didn’t even remember me on the plane, but they’re the ones who get her flirty side? Fuck that… and fuck me. I’m not the jealous type.The fuck am I doing?

“Guys, come here a sec,” Max says, gaining my attention before turning to Owen and sharing another look. Twins are apparently mind readers because one of them nods to the other, and I have no idea what just transpired between them.

“Okay so, we’ve got three double penthouse suites reserved. We need to buddy up because there’s six of us.”

Zoey looks nervously between us and then raises an eyebrow at her brothers.

“So I can share with you, Tink,” Max says, slinging his arms around his sister’s shoulder. Her face contorts into disgust as she shrugs him off.

“And listen to my big brother have sex in the next room–I think the fuck not.” She spins to face the woman at the desk. “Are you sure there isn’t any other option?” When the woman shakes her head again, Zoey deflates and instantly turns to me, eyes blazing with something I can’t quite place… fear, determination? Who knows? Her eyes are so icy blue that I’m lost in a glacier just looking at her. “I’ll share with you, but there are ground rules. No loud sex unless we’re both having it,” she says adamantly, just as Max takes one menacing step towards me, but she raises her hand to his chest placatingly, breaking our gaze. “Separately, I mean, idiot. Not together.”

I’m standing completely still, my mind racing, completely unsure what the fuck just happened? Did… did Zoey just claim me as her roommate? Why would she do that?

Aaron comes to Zoey’s side, wrapping his hand around her waist, and I frown, watching them. “I’ll share with you, baby girl,” he says playfully, wiggling his eyebrows.

Zoey swats him away, adjusting the bag on her shoulder. “I’m good with Harrison. At least I kind of know him more than you two goons. Plus, I wouldn’t dream of getting in the way of your hook ups.”

Aaron pouts. “You could be my hook up.”

“In your fucking dreams, dickhead,” Max growls, turning to me. “Yours too, H. Hands off.”
