Page 41 of Easy

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“That reaction to the Boxster. You wanted to take it out and open her up, didn’t you?”

She giggled and turned her body against him, slipping her leg over and between his. “It beats that pickup. We’ll get to the rendezvous point much faster, especially with me driving.”

His hand stilled in its absent caress, his gaze sliding over her. She was so lovely. “What are you saying?” He narrowed his eyes.

“You were driving like a grandpa.”

Slowly, he moved his thumb along the curve of her hip. He wasn’t sure he’d ever used the word lovely to describe a woman before, but she was lovely, so lovely it made his chest tight. “That wasn’t me,” he growled in mock anger. “That was the truck.”

“Uh-huh. Sure…Grandpa.”

He dug into her side, and she wiggled against him with a burst of laughter. Breathless and ah, so lovely, her eyes filled with snapping fireworks. She released the last of her laughter.

He was going down hard, and he couldn’t even break his fall, he was so disarmed. But he didn’t have to worry, she provided him with a soft landing. She picked up on his intent gaze, her eyes darkening as he watched, her mouth parted, and he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. The rest of his body had given out, but they could still share a kiss.

He wasn’t sure it would ever be enough with Jack.

He’d sworn he’d never give another woman such power over him again. He swore he would control his emotions, be smart, be sure that when he did have the courage to open up his heart again, it would be with someone he trusted, who genuinely got him. So, with Jack, he had no excuse. She checked all the boxes, and then some.

But he was aware of the obstacles, least of all his fear, which still hovered and haunted him.

Suddenly, an alarm blared and Easy stiffened. Adrenaline rushed through his system, and he said, “Get dressed, grab your bag. It’s time to go.”

Jack didn’t waste any time. She moved and dressed as fast as he did. “That’s the perimeter alarm. They’re going to be here in minutes.”

No one was going to take this woman away from him. He pulled out his semi-automatic and shoved in a fully loaded clip, then jacked the slide.

Jack’s head came up at the sound and her face went a little white, then her eyes filled with determination. Their drug dealer friend had a hidden room that Easy had found. It was filled with weapons. She reached for a handgun on the nightstand. Easy had given her a preliminary tutorial on how to use it.

She racked the slide and said, “Point, aim at center mass, and press the trigger.”

He grinned. “I’ll make a commando out of you yet.”

She swallowed hard and grinned back. “Just let Ramos try to touch me again,” she said.

“That’s my girl,” he said with a laugh. “Now move your ass out of here.”

She picked up her bag with her Jimmy Choos, some proffered clothing from the unknown woman with impeccable taste, and they left the room together.

That’s how they would fight and win.



They raced from the bedroom,across the whole house bypassing the main stairs. That’s where they would expect them to emerge. At least, that’s what Easy had told her. Jack was just along for this crazy rescue ride, though, she got way more than she bargained for in this man.

Easy stopped at the entrance to the service stairs that lead down to the servants’ area that branched off from the kitchen. They would need to go through there to access the garage where she was supposed to start the gray Mercedes sedan they would use to get out of there.

He touched his radio. “Copy that, buddy. It’s good to hear your voice.” He paused and smiled. “Yeah, Tex tried, but I couldn’t hear him. The signal’s been weak. We’re a little behind the eight ball. I should have gotten us out of here as soon as the rain stopped.” He chuckled and said, “Fuck you. None of your goddamn business.”

He turned to look at her, and she could only imagine the conversation had turned to her. “Shark?”

“Yeah, he’s here with your guard…Juan.”

“Oh, Juan was the only decent person in that place. Why is he here?”

“He’s helping to track you down, but really helping Shark to find us and stay ahead of Ramos.”
