Page 10 of Mafia Grace

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“What if I am?”

“Watch it. Our fights end with me inside you. I haven’t made you come in days. I have no patience right now.” He took my legs, put them around his waist and crooked his neck to kiss me on mine. That was my weak spot and Salvatore often spent hours torturing me with his mouth like this.

“We can’t.” I tried, but despite the protest, my arms were around his shoulders.

“You want me.” There was no question there.

“I… yes, but I should go home.” Instead of taking his hand off, Salvatore climbed on the stage and put me flat on my back with his hard body pushing me into the floor. “No.”


“We need to stop this.” My voice was breathy, giving away how turned on I was by the touches of his tongue.

“Agreed.” But his actions said exactly the opposite. I was talking, but my words were flying right past his ears, so I decided to push it.

“I will go to Milano soon.”

“I can take you.”

…and push it.

“I want to move there, Salvatore. For good. There’s a ballet academy…”

“We’ll move there if that’s what you want. Whatever makes you happy.”

…and push it until I took it too far.

“We should see other people.” I knew what I was doing before the words left my mouth, so what happened next didn’t surprise me.

Salvatore’s eyes were flooded with anger almost immediately and his fist was smashed on the wooden floor surface, somewhere close to my head. I didn’t even flinch. His rage was always intense, always the biggest thing in the room. Everyone feared Salvatore when he was in such a state, but not me. He’d shoot himself in the kneecap before using his hands to hurt me.

“Now, Grazi, I’d say you want to make me jealous.”

“I told you we should end it.”

“Is one of us dead?”


“Answer the goddamn question.”

“No. No one is dead.”Yet.

“Then nothing is over. Move to Milano if you want, dance, whatever makes you happy, but if I ever see you with another man, someonewilldie.”

“You’re being irrational.”

“But you know I’m right. You don’t want anyone else, Grazi, but you’d go out with some loser just to play with me because that’s who you are. You live to push my buttons, so I’m telling you exactly what’s going to happen.” He took a deep sniff along the skin on my chest. “It would never work. Your body knows it belongs to me. Your lips would never open for another man; you could never take another in your arms; your pussy won’t get wet if I’m not there to take care of it.”

“Damn it, Salvatore.”

“Now, shut that infuriating mouth of yours before I stuff it with my cock and let me make love to you.”

He pushed the straps of my leotard down and freed my arms, so he could roll the thing down and have free access to my breasts. The moment they were out, Salvatore rolled his teeth around my puckered nipples and marked me. He liked to leave love bites all over me, so the signs would remain when we’d be apart. The thought of me with someone else must have really gotten to him.

“Ouch, Salvatore.”

“Shush it. You like it when it hurts.” That was the downside of being with someone who knew my body better than his own. I could never lie, not when we were like this. He knew me in ways I didn’t even know myself and he understood every piece of the broken puzzle that I was. It was a scary thing – to have someone so completely under your skin, there was no room to keep anything to yourself.
