Page 125 of Mafia Grace

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“It’s better than you thinking we’ve abandoned you.” His smile shone through the chaos. “It’s your husband we can’t stand, baby girl, not you.”

“Salvatore did nothing to you.”

“He married you. That’s enough. Can you go back safe?”

I was sure Pina was already gone by now, but I could call a taxi.

Guido came to us and answered for me.

“Yes. Her driver’s outside.”

“Oh, Guido, I can’t take one of your cars.” Salvatore would be mad enough without me bringing any extra Caputo associates to his door.

“It’s not one of mine. Goliath will walk out with you. He’s leaving too.”

Someone pushed my Father to a different room and my brothers gave me a quick hug. Goliath took my hand and we started going up the stairs together.

“I’m sorry,Fratello.[50]” I spoke to kill the pressing silence between us.

“For what are you apologizing, Grazia? Eloping?”

“No! For what happened tonight.”

“Why are you here?”

“I had to speak with Guido. It was important.”

“Important enough to risk pushing two crime families into a war?”

“Yes, Goliath. I thought my brother was in danger. That’s important enough for me.”

“Guido?” He raised an eyebrow. “Ah, you’ve heard about the visitors that are going to stop by tonight.”


“It was none of your business.”

“Right. Well, I’m about to face the consequences. Salvatore is going to be so furious.”

“He has a good reason to be. You put yourself in danger.”

“I ruined dinner.” Now that it was over, I started to realize all the ways I’ve screwed things up. “Chiara is going to be mad at me too.”

That made Goliath stop in his tracks and I did too.

“Why?” He simply asked.

“Umm, it’s Pietro’s birthday today. She had a hard time convincing him to celebrate and I think I ruined that.”

“You two are close again?”

“Yes, Goliath, we are. Does it bother you?”

“Why? Because she burned down my house?” He shrugged. “No. I’m just surprised you can handle all her crazy.”

“You loved that crazy.” I reminded him and I could swear he got so cold, the temperature dropped. “She’s different now. I think it’s because of Francesco.”

“Who’s that? The husband?”
