Page 166 of Mafia Grace

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I glanced through the crack of the door to see Pietro was there too with what looked like half a dozen of my men and I signaled him to stay put. If someone was going down tonight, they were going by my hands.

“Giovani, I have exactly seven bullets in this gun. I don’t need an eighth. Unlike the shitty son of a bitch your family sent after my wife, I don’t miss.”

“Someone in my family?” All of them started breathing like dragons. “You think we had anything to do with what happened today? Grazia is our sister.”

“Chiara was there. Someone pulled the trigger in the name of your family, Giovani.”

“Stop, Salvatore.” Caputo put his hand up. “None of us would ever harm a hair on her head. You think she’s less our sister because she married you? She’s not. We both know we stay away for her safety, but her blood is not less thick. She’s oursister.” He stressed the last word.


Giovani stayed silent and Gianni took the word. “Father is a piece of shit, but he’d never…”

“What? Hurt a woman?” I spit the words. “Maybe you should ask my mother about that.”

That shut them all up and it answered an old question. They knew.

To my surprise, Garon, the youngest, started speaking loud enough to be heard from the street. “Whoever did this will pay. And you,” he pointed at me, “you were supposed to protect her!”

“Are you trying to say I didn’t?”

“She’s on a fucking hospital table with bullets in her lungs.”

Garon was green – a puppy – still learning when to speak and when to shut up. I saw the kid growing up and he was fearlessly loyal to his siblings and I could respect that, but not today. I grabbed him by the shoulder and made him keep still.

“Out of all seven of you, I like you the best. You have fire inside you, but say I didn’t take care of Grazia one more time and I’ll knock you the fuck out. I would lay my life down for her.”

“Me too!” He yelled. “How is she?”

“She’s…” I dragged my hand across my face, “I don’t know. She has to make it. I’m nothing without Grazia. I fought too hard to keep her all these years when all of you – the whole damn world – tried to take her from me. I won’t let it happen. It can’t.”

I turned my back on everybody in the room to gather my composure.

Chiara started crying and in the corner of my eyes I saw Goliath flinch at the sound, but he didn’t move. His twin, Gaspino, crossed the room and took my cousin in his arms trying to calm her down.

Pietro couldn’t wait anymore and pushed the door open.

“Get the fuck away from my sister.” He growled at Gaspino.

Caputo didn’t take him seriously at all. They were like cats and dogs ever since Goliath started sniffing around Chiara.

“Ah, little Pietro. Looking good, man.”

Pietro dropped it. “Salvatore, we need to talk.”

“Not now.”

“We got Bianchi.” I raised an eyebrow. “Silvio Bianchi, he pulled the gun on Grazia.”

All eyes went straight to Pietro because everybody in the room knew that name. Bianchi was a mercenary and he was Fabiano’s favorite lap dog.

“Where is he?”

“Warehouse outside the city. I got information.”

Gianni – again – spoke for his brothers. “We should all hear it.”
