Page 170 of Mafia Grace

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“You’re awake? How?”


She started checking the machines and looked at my pupils with a light.

“What’s going on? Who are you?”

“I’m Dr. Leona Ricci. I am a personal doctor for the Fiori family.”

“You’re in my bedroom.”

“You don’t remember anything?”

“I was sleeping and then I could hear Salvatore and I wanted to wake up. I’m confused.”

Dr. Ricci sighed. “You were not asleep, Grazia. You were in a deep coma for six days. Sometimes it happens with people during surgery.”


“Last week there was an incident…” She didn’t get to finish because all my memories came rushing back. It hit me like a train.

“I got shot. Silvio Bianchi shot me.”

“You got shot twice in the back. One of the bullets scratched your lung and they had to do a repair, but everything else is fine.”

“Then why was I in a coma?”

“It’s the body’s response to trauma. I… you’re awake now, that’s all that matters. I have to examine you.”

She made me stand up and looked at something on my back. I looked down to see I was naked under the sheets.

“Dr. Ricci?”


“Why do you look so surprised? That I’m awake I mean? Isn’t this normal?”

“It’s not…” she stopped to take a deep breath, “You came into my care the day after your surgery. Salvatore insisted for you to be transported here and I took all the steps to make sure your body heals, but more often than not, people don’t come back.”

“I had to. Salvatore was calling my name. He needs me.” The answer came to me instantly.

“Whatever you heard was powerful enough to make you fight. I’ll have to run some blood tests, but all your vitals look strong. Please, sit back and…”

“Oh, no, I have to go.”

“Excuse me?”

“I need to see Salvatore.”

“You need to stay put and let me examine you. You have a six centimeters incision on your back and you need to give it time to heal.”

“No.” Dr. Ricci blinked. “Salvatore and I… we’re not just married. He’s my life and I am his. You’re telling me I was almost dead for six days and all I can think about is that I need to get to him and take him out of the hell that he’s feeling.” I got up and ignored the jolt of pain I felt in my back. “There’s no time for you to run a test, or do whatever you want to do. I have to go to my husband, because if things were reversed, he would fight death to get to me.”

Somewhere on a chair there was one of Sasa’s shirts and I wrapped it around me. Dr. Ricci didn’t get a chance to say anything else because I was already walking out into the hallway.

It hurt to walk, but I had to push through, even if my back was burning, my chest felt tight when I took a breath, and every single muscle in my body was sore. I slowly went down the stairs and started to hear voices. Definitely more than one person.

Did Salvatore have guests? Was he doing business in our living room?
