Page 39 of Mafia Grace

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“You have to.”

“Sometimes you make me want to snap your beautiful neck.”

“I won’t let you talk me in circles this time. You will listen to my words, you stubborn man.”

“Stop it! I said to you time and time again that I’ll take care of this, but you refuse to trust me. When did that happen, Grazi? When did you stop trusting that I would never let anything hurt you?”

“You are hurting me!” Tears started sliding down my cheeks and my voice cracked. “It’s you who’s causing me pain, Salvatore.”

“No, it’s your mind. You keep thinking stupid things.”

“You can’t even see it. I’m torn apart between you and my family. Being with you all this time was such a betrayal and I have to live with it. If they ever find out…” I couldn’t even imagine that scenario. “I love you, Sasa, but I love my brothers too, and I can’t keep doing this. It’s killing me.”

Long silence, that’s what I’ve got in return.

When he finally spoke, his words felt like a slap across the face.

“So this love you pretend you have for me it’s weaker than your bond with your brothers.”Pretend?

He had a right to be angry. How many times have we vowed to each other than no one would come between us? We swore it in blood and I was breaking that promise.

“They’re blood.” And blood conquers all. It’s all I have known all my life.

“Bene[16], Grazia. Tell me what you want. Spell it out if you have the courage. You know I’d grant you every wish. No matter how big. No matter how stupid.”

The pain I felt was overbearing. I felt buried under a heavy rock, my lungs losing the capability to let air get it. For the first time, I’ve cracked his stubbornness. Maybe it was because he couldn’t get to me and make me submit with his sexual antics.

When Salvatore Fiori said that he’d give something to me, he never failed to keep his words. This wouldn’t be any different.

“I want you to let me go, Salvatore. It’s time.”

“Because I’m hurting you.”

“Because this situation hurts me.” I clarified.

He sighed. I’ve never heard him sound so… weak and disappointed, and it almost knocked me off my feet.

“I swore on my mother’s grave that I would never do something to hurt you, and if this is what you need, Grazia, I will provide.I’m letting you go.” Four little words, but hearing them was agonizing.

Be careful what you wish for because it might come true, right?

I didn’t want to lose him, but it wasn’t up to me. When I was born, I was placed on a golden pillow. I’ve enjoyed the finest things this life had to offer, but the price was this. My destiny was written by others and I had to break my heart with my own hands to follow it.

“Grazi,” he whispered my name almost like he was begging me, but I bit my tongue and stood my ground. The only thing that escaped me was a sob. “You’re crying.”

“It’s hard.”

“It’s what you want.”

“It’s what has to be done.”

“I’m still here, Grazia, for everything you need. Whenever.”

I should have taken the win and closed the call, but couldn’t.

“For now, yes.”

“Forever.” One day he’d move on, find someone, marry, and forget about me, and then there won’t be anyone to make me the center of their world.
