Page 50 of Mafia Grace

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“Thank you!”

“Anything for my daughter.”

Truth was, I wasn’t asking for much, but I needed this. If there was one person in this world who would never take no for an answer, that was my dad. He’d call Martino Bernoulli ordering him to pack his family and come here and like that, I could contain Ariana. She’d be stuck here instead of chasing Salvatore.

Suddenly, I felt in the mood to celebrate, so I went upstairs and made myself pretty. I picked out a white dress and high heels, done my hair, and put diamonds around my neck. At eight o’clock on the dot, I was ready and going down the stairs.

The moment I put my foot on the ground floor, Garon picked me up and spun me around the foyer.

“There you are! The guest of honor.”

“Hello, brother. I’m surprised to see you came.” Garon was the busiest between nine P.M. and eight A.M. Every club, every party, everyorgyhe was there to enjoy them all. And he didn’t bother to hide it.

“Dad ordered me to show up. He said it’s a dinner for his little girl and I couldn’t miss it.”

“Well, thank you. It’s nice to see your face.”

He and I were the closest in age, so I’d spent the most time with him growing up.

“Is it true that you threw a fit?”

My mouth dropped.

“DidBabbosay that?” Garon nodded. “It wasn’t a fit. I just pointed out that he gets excited when one of you sneezes, but never cares about my achievements.”

“Bullshit. You know you’re our baby.”

“I’m not a baby. Put me down.”

“No. Babies are not supposed to walk.” He teased me and carried me to the back patio where the table was set. The twins – Goliath and Gaspino – were there too. “Sorry,bambina[22], but only the three of us could come on such short notice. The rest of them are caught up on business.”

“It’s ok.”

I went to the twins and hugged them, lingering a little bit more in Goliath’s arms. The meeting with Chiara really made my heart ache for him.

Garon came back and threw a hand around my shoulders. Since Gaspino was on the phone, he turned his attention to our other brother.

“Goliath, big boy, you should go get the door. Martino Bernoulli just parked his car and dad is not ready yet.”

“Why don’t you go?”

“I want to spend some time with my favorite sister.”

“Lazy pig.” Goliath muttered under his breath and went to the door.

“Hey,” I poked Garon in the ribs. “Be nice to Pina tonight.”

“What are you talking about? I’m always nice.”

“Don’t tease her. And it wouldn’t kill you to say she looks beautiful.”

“Grazia?” He narrowed his eyes. “What are you trying to do?”

“Nothing.” I played it like I was innocent. “She could use a confidence boost and I would really appreciate it.”

“Fine.” He shook his head. “But I know how your voice changes when you’re up to something.”

We were interrupted when father, Goliath, and all four Bernoullis entered the room. The men were already chatting about God knows what, while Mrs. Bernoulli was trying to correct Pina’s posture so she’d walk with more grace. I wondered if she’d ever give up and admit that she didn’t have two delicate princesses for daughters and that Pina was perfect just as she was. Luckily, my friend was saved by Garon who went and pulled her into a hug.
