Page 20 of Back Then

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5th Letter

Macie Girl,

I can’t seem to stop writing to you, even though I know these letters are going to McCall.

I think about you all the time, and putting those thoughts on paper seems to help me feel a little less alone. I hope you aren’t lonely, baby. I hope you’re surrounded by people who marvel at how special you are.

McCall won’t tell me much about the men in your life. I don’t blame him. It’s torture though, not knowing if you’ve found someone else. I know your heart, baby. I know it will always belong to me.

But I also know, until I can get home to you, your body might belong to another. It’s okay, Macie. Please don’t feel guilty about this later on. You still don’t even know why I left. I can’t expect you to wait for me.

I’m waiting for you though. I haven’t touched another girl. Hell, I don’t even think I’ve spoken to one outside my platoon. And all those girls know I’m in love with the girl back home. I’ve shown them your pictures. The ones McCall sends me.

They know all about you.

You’re my girl, and I miss you.

All my love,


McCall + Macie

McCall:How are you doing, Macie girl?

Macie:Well. Two of my kindergarteners got into a glitter fight this morning, and then another one knocked out his front tooth on the playground. So, all in all, it’s been a day.

McCall:Not what I meant.

Macie:I’m avoiding.

McCall:I can see that.

Macie:Fine. I’m torn, I guess. I don’t pity him. I know he doesn’t want that. But I feel for him, for what he’s going through. I do miss him. I just don’t know yet if it’s the same way he misses me. It’s been years, and there’s been so much life lived without him in it. I spent so much damn time, and worked so hard to heal from him leaving the way he did. I don’t know if I can go back to the way things were.

McCall:He only wants a chance. You don’t need to make him any promises.

Macie:I need to know why he left.

McCall:And you deserve to.

Macie:Is he ever going to tell me?


Macie:You’re covering up for him.

McCall:He won’t tell you until he gets home. He has his reasons, and at least in this, I agree.

Macie:Well, that’s annoying. When will he be home? He hasn’t mentioned them moving him.

McCall:He was cleared for transport by his team of doctors, but not until he hits a few milestones. Hopefully, he’ll be stateside in the next few weeks.

Macie:He didn’t tell me any of this.

McCall:He’s trying to make you fall back in love with him. Discussing him getting his catheter out probably isn’t high on his list of romantic topics.

Macie:I can understand that. But it feels like he’s still keeping things from me.
