Page 139 of Imperfect Love

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I kiss her, lingering over the taste of her. Then I force myself to leave.

It doesn’t take long to get to my grandmother’s house. Low traffic in Juniper, expected higher volume during the high tourist season, is one of the things I love about the place. As I sit at a light, I frown. I don’t love Juniper. It’s annoying and filled with busybodies who want to know everything about your life. Of course, as soon as I think that, I see Everly Spencer and her man walking down the sidewalk. I smile as the pair apparently are out to walk their baby. They stop to talk to Josh, which makes me frown, still not over his interaction with Avery.

Avery. I sigh. Talk about falling in love.

I blink. I don’t love Avery. Right? I mean, I just met her a little over a week ago, and in that time, I have hated her, plotted her ousting from my house, then ended up in bed with her, and, Jesus, I don’t think I will ever get sick of that. I have never felt so connected to a woman like Avery. She understands me. I understand her.

Oh, fuck.

A horn pulls me out of my stupor. I glance up in my rearview mirror. Mrs. Petersen is right behind me, beeping her horn. Then I realize the light has turned green. I drive the rest of the way to my grandmother’s house on autopilot. I ignore all the texts that are coming in. It’s Trev’s ring, so there is no reason to answer. He’ll just irritate me today. I walk into my grandmother’s house.

“Jon, there you are.”

It’s my mom, and she’s staring at me weirdly.

“What’s wrong?” she asks.


Oh, fuck me. I’m in love with Avery O’Bryan. She drives me crazy, but she makes me laugh, and she’s so damn funny. And I know why she’s in Juniper. I know that she’s still not over-losing her grandmother. She won’t say it or tell her family, but the sadness shimmers just below the sparkly Avery she shows the world. I love her even when she’s irritating me.

“Jon?” She steps closer and slips her arm over my shoulders. “Did something bad happen?”

I turn my head so I can look down at her. Mom has always been a rock, loving me unconditionally. I guess that’s what mothers do, or most of them. All this time, she was teaching me what love was. She never said anything against my father because he’s a part of me. And she couldn’t separate the two of us.

“I think I just realized something.”


“What does that mean?”

She smiles at me. “I know my boy. I know all your moods, your quirks, the way you use your intelligence to keep people at bay. So, it makes sense that I would know when my baby boy falls in love.”

Tears fill her eyes. Oh, God, I don’t know if I can take my mother crying. Panic hits me.

“Is everything okay?” Ted asks as he steps off the last stair. He frowns, and damn, he looks like he wants to murder someone. From one second to another, I realize it’s me he might be mad at. I would fight dragons to keep Avery from crying.

“Oh, nothing,” my mother says, squeezing me before stepping away. “My baby boy and I were just having a conversation.”

“Ah,” he says as if that explains everything.

“Why is everyone milling about in the foyer like common idiots?”

And my grandmother has joined the party. Before I can answer her, the front doorbell rings. Thinking it might be Avery, my heart does a little tap dance. I stride to the door and pull it open. Standing on the porch is Trevor Smith.


“Yes. Trev. I have been texting your ass for the last hour, and you’ve ignored me.”

“Trev,” my mother says.

Trev looks around me. “Clarice, so wonderful to see you again.”

My mother practically sighs. No matter who the woman is, they react this way around my best friend. It’s the dark good looks and his pretty boy manners.

“What’s going on?” I ask. “You hate Texas.”

“He can leave any time he wants to.”
