Page 1 of Miami Confessions

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“Grace! This looks incredible! Thank you so much!” Ella squealed as she ran across the decorated hotel suite to scoop me up in a big hug.

“I’m glad you like it! This is going to be the best weekend ever. I have so much fun stuff planned out for us,” I said.

“I wouldn’t doubt it for a second,” she said with a grin.

“I just need to respond to a few work emails, and then I’ll show you around the resort before everyone else gets here.”

“Seriously?” Ella said with an epic eye roll, “You’re doing work this weekend.”

“I’m sorry! Just a few emails, and then I’m all yours for the next few days. I promise.”

Ella plopped down on the couch and started scrolling through her phone. I felt guilty that I had to work this weekend, but with how much planning I had to do to make sure everything was perfect, there were a few things at work that had started to slip through the cracks.

The world of marketing waits for no one!That’s the saying, isn’t it?

A quick fifteenminutes later I closed my laptop and hid it in my suitcase so I wouldn’t be tempted to pull it out again.

“You ready, babe?” I asked Ella.

She sprung up from the couch with an emphatic nod and we headed out the door. I wanted to keep just about everything a secret for her, but I had planned so many bachelorette parties in the last few years that I knew exactly what she was looking for. When you are friends with someone for twelve years, you tend to learn a lot about them.

Being the last single girl in my group of friends meant I was the designated party planner. I was experienced and organized, and no one would ever trust anyone else with their last single flings.

“The pool here is incredible, you are going to love it,” I told her as I pressed the button in the elevator for the lobby.

When the doors opened, the rest of the girls were standing in front of us, and it turned into a mass of women jumping up and down and squealing at one another. Though we had all known each other for years, jobs, husbands, and school had separated us all over the country. Weddings and their associated events were the one thing that we could count on to bring us together, and this was the last one. At least, until mine, which was definitely never going to happen. I didn’t mind being the last single girl in the group. I had enough to worry about without having a man in my life.

“Grace was just showingme around the resort. You all need to join us,” Ella told the group of girls.

Before we made it out to the pool area, Ella was already wearing a white feather boa and a tiara that read “Bride” across the front. We stepped outside into the hot Miami sun, and everyone was just as excited as I was about the view, the pool, the beach, and most of all, the bar.

“How did you find this place?” Maggie asked me. “It’s incredible!”

“It wasn’t easy, I’ll tell you that.”

I escorted the girls around the rest of the resort before taking them up to our suite. The whole afternoon was a whirlwind of talking, laughing, reminiscing, and gossiping, and it went by in a flash. Before I realized it, it was time to let everyone know what our plans for the weekend were.

“I’m so glad you all could make it here for Ella’s bachelorette party!” I said as I stood at the front of the room.

Everyone shouted and cheered and hugged Ella.

“We have a dinner reservation in about two hours, and then we’re going to the most incredible club. It’s right on the beach, and all of the bartenders and waiters are dressed as lifeguards. Trust me, you guys are going to love it.”

There was more cheering and shouting and even a few whistles as I watched everyone get excited about what I had planned.

“So, everyone should be wearing their all-black outfits tonight, except for Ella, of course, who will be in all white. We have an hour and a half till we need to leave, so go get ready!”

There was a final round of hoots and hollers as everyone dispersed into the suite’s three bedrooms and bathrooms. Ella lingered behind as everyone started getting ready, and she ran up to me and wrapped me in another hug.

“You are the absolute best friend a girl could ask for, you know that right?” she asked as my cheek was pressed against hers.

“I hope you have a great weekend, you deserve it.”

Ella gave me one last squeeze before she scurried off to go pick out one of the several all-white outfits she had brought for the weekend. I followed behind her and pulled my black jeans and cropped black tank out of my suitcase.
