Page 62 of Rhett

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He lowered the bucket on the tractor and pushed the snow against a fence. He had plowed his driveway earlier. All he had to do now was clear the driveway for Calder and Mitzie before heading home. It was bitterly cold, but he’d go nuts if he sat in that house much longer. Not much else was being done around the ranch right now. With all the snow, it essentially stood at a standstill. The men took hay to the cattle and then worked inside the barns.

After Rhett finished, he drove the tractor into the barn, shut it off, and jumped down. He saw Calder strolling toward him.

“Hey, boss.”

“Rhett. Are you going to Spring City on New Year’s Eve?”

“I doubt it.”

“I’m sorry about you and Cinda. Mitzie mentioned she thought Cinda seemed quiet on the flight home.”

“I noticed too, but I couldn’t figure it out. Hell, I still can’t.”

“I wouldn’t have a clue on what to tell you. I love Mitzie more than anything, but sometimes I could shake her until her teeth rattle. Women sure know how to push a man’s buttons.”

Rhett chuckled. “Isn’t that what it’s all about? Madder than a hornet one minute and wanting to kiss them senseless in the next.”

Calder grinned. “I agree.”

“I’m going to head home and try to warm up.”

“Okay. Hey, think about New Year’s Eve. It might do you good to get out among your friends.”

Rhett nodded. “I’ll think about it.”

“It’s all I can ask. Go home, Rhett. It’s too damn cold, anyway.”

“I had to get out…”

“Yeah, I get it. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Yes, sir.” Rhett watched Calder leave the barn, then walked to his truck and drove home.


On New Year’s Eve Day, Lucinda sat in her office and finished making notes on the computer. She was closing at noon today and would reopen on Friday.

A knock sounded on the jamb, and she glanced up to see Erin entering the room and sitting in the chair.

“Why is today dragging?”

“Because we’re closing early.”

“Are you going to Spring City tonight?”

“Uh, no.”

“You still haven’t talked to him, have you?”


“The longer you wait, the harder it will be.”

“I know.”

The bell chimed in the lobby, so Erin got to her feet.

“I’ll get it. I think we’re expecting a boarder.”
