Page 13 of All Of My Firsts

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I throw my hands up in defeat when in reality I feel like I gave up control the minute he acted like a cute puppy. “Why not… I’m already making a deal with the devil. Why not just let him run the show, too?”

He laughs but doesn’t look up, holding out his hand for the pen that I pass him. Then his eyes dart to mine. “All the things on the list… they’re all new things, right? You’ve never done them before?”

I nod sheepishly.

“Except the mind blowing sex, which obviously you’ve already had with me. I’m willing to press replay any time, too.”

Replay? Sure. How about now? Because all I can think about is having your fingers inside me, curling and pumping in and out of me while I scream your name as your tongue… Oh shit, I’m daydreaming again. Stop that right now, Nora.

When I look at him again, he’s focussed, scribbling God knows what on my list, orour listapparently.

“There,” he announces confidently, sliding the paper back to me.

My eyes scan over his notes.

“I am not having sex in a limo, Grayson.”

He waves his hand, dismissing me. “I said I know a guy, trust me.” His eyebrow quirks, and I sigh. I have a feeling I’m going to get myself into trouble doing this list, but I can’t bring myself to tell him I can’t do these things with him.

“Why is it cliché to be kissed under the stars?”

“Because it is. If it’s a memorable kiss you want, then where it happens shouldn’t matter.” He pauses as he moves closer to me, the grey in his eyes flickering brightly, as they run over every inch of my face and settle on my mouth. I lick my lips without a second thought, mirroring his intense stare. He drops his voice to a low whisper that sends shivers all over my skin. “I think you want the type of kiss that makes you hot and cold, that makes you see stars. The kind of kiss that re-writes your DNA because suddenly everything and nothing makes sense.” He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear as I swallow throatily. “That’s what I think you mean.”

My breathing is shallow as I stare at him, trying to piece together what just came out of his mouth. Because he’s right, that’s exactly what I meant when I wrote that. And the scary thing is that he is probably the only person that has ever got me close to that.

The blood in my body has decided to heat up a few thousand degrees and travel at warp speed, making my heart race. I clear my throat and wrap my arms around myself, praying that he doesn’t see the effect he’s had on my nipples.

His eyes stay locked on mine, burning his gaze through all my defences. “Say yes, Nora.” His voice is low and gravely, making me want to burst into flames.Why am I panting?

“Yes,” I say, without a second thought, although I’m not entirely sure if I’m saying yes to the kiss, to the list or yes to him. I’m so worked up; I’d let him do anything to me right now, and that is not a good idea.

He smiles, his eyes dropping to my lips again. But then he exhales and breaks the spell cast around us. “Fuck,” he mutters as he turns away, running a hand through the dark, messy curls on top of his head.

From my peripheral, I watch him put his bowl in the sink behind me, but when he appears behind me my body freezes, and my knuckles whiten as I grip the counter.

“I’ve got to get to work now, but if you’re free tonight, I can come by again.” His thick fingers ghost down my arm, making my head loll to one side, igniting something deep within my belly. I want to see him again and soon, but I need to get my body under control before later. I nod, then it dawns on me.

“Oh, shit.” I twist my head to look up at him.


“I have a date tonight. I forgot that Zoey set it up. I can’t cancel.”

He stiffens, but then instantly releases the tension from his shoulders. “No big deal. I’ll call you.”

As he walks off, I realise I’m barely breathing, so I force myself to fill my lungs. My body is tingling, but I can’t figure out if it’s because I’m relieved he’s gone or sad.

Chapter 6


I’mtryingveryhardto act interested as Brandon, my blind date, sits opposite me talking about his work. He’s attractive with his sandy blonde hair and big green eyes and he’s successful, but I’m bored. I find myself nodding when I think he wants me to and I hum when he says something that should be interesting, but it isn’t. Usually, I’d try harder to actually listen, but if he talks about spreadsheets and data or anything else equally dull one more time, I swear I’ll be falling asleep on the table.

It’s a shame because the date started out so well. He was on time, and he looks cute in his striped shirt. It’s giving a little grandad vibe, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. He looks like he’s in great shape, which means he takes care of himself. Another tick. He has this soft, caring presence that should be so appealing, but tonight, it’s falling flat, and I can’t figure out why. Something must be seriously wrong with me if I don’t find this guy attractive.

The restaurant is beautiful and the food… God, the food has probably been a highlight, especially when I tasted the lobster linguine, which is when I realised that I’m really not enjoying the company as much as I should be.

“…so yeah, the input I had for this year alone was staggering. We managed to combine two departments, which means more revenue…” He continues as I nod with wide eyes and a polite smile. He’s mostly having a conversation with himself at this point, and I just feel guilty for not being interested.
