Page 25 of All Of My Firsts

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“You better not eat all of that.” She points to my bowl. Her hair is now down and brushing against her collarbones when she moves. Her fresh from the shower scent has my mouth watering.

“I make no promises,” I mumble through a mouthful.

“So, what do you have for me to suffer through today?” Her brown eyes assess me with sass and intrigue. My favourite combination on her.

I look her up and down, taking in her black tight jeans and cream jumper. “What you’re wearing is okay.”

She looks down at herself. “Um, thanks?”

“We’re starting off with something here. Then we’re going out. Let’s make a cake.”

Her forehead creases with a frown. “A cake?”

I lick the remaining yoghurt from my spoon and watch her watch me. “That’s what I said. And you are meant to say…”


I smile widely, whilst visibly letting my body enjoy that word tumbling from her usually scowly lips. “If you feel the need to add ‘sir’ to that sentence, then I’d be fine with that.”

She barks a laugh. “Not a chance.”

“I’ll wear you down.”

Her lush lips twist as she tries and fails to hide a smirk. “You’re not cute.”

“We both know that’s not true.” I let my smile grow to fanboy size across my face as I stare at her own trying not to break free. When I see her bury her head into her hands, I know I’ve won her over. She mumbles something I don’t quite catch before I say, “chocolate cake is my favourite.”

Her caramel eyes roll at me when she drops her hands. “Is this yes day going to turn into ‘make Nora my bitch’ day?”

“Nooooo…” I smirk. “Nah, for real, I just really want cake and to get you used to saying yes. I know it’s not a word you’re used to saying, so we’re starting small.”

“I say yes!” she squeaks, her voice entirely too high for someone telling the truth. My eyebrow quirks as she huffs at me. “Fine. Cake it is.”

Nora begins moving around her kitchen in defeat, her hips swaying with each movement, pulling out ingredients for my cake. Her petite frame is pretty mesmerising at the best of times, but when she’s doing ordinary things like walking and bending, well, for whatever reason, that has my pulse thumping hard in my cock.

When she has the ingredients she needs, I plant my elbows on the counter, waiting for her to pile them into the huge bowl she’s placed in front of us. “Crack two eggs in there for me, please.”

“Sorry, you want me to what now?” I say, disbelieving. I can cook certain dishes, but baking, that’s far beyond my talents and egg cracking is also not a skill of mine.

“Crack. The. Eggs.” She enunciates each word.

I hold an egg in my hand, feeling the lightness of it. “And how exactly do I do that?”

Her eyes twinkle with amusement. “You’ve never… never mind. Like this.” She takes the egg and with one hand she taps it twice on the side of the bowl opens the egg, spilling the contents into the bowl.

“What the fuck just happened?” I step forwards to survey the contents in the bowl and sure enough there’s an egg. I stare at it as if I thought it’d be a fucking chicken. Itall happened so fast, though. “You just did some sort of ninja egg cracking.” I say, disbelieving how quickly and easily she did it.

She chuckles. “I just cracked an egg. Now it’s your turn.”

The egg in my hand suddenly feels like the most difficult Rubik’s cube I’ve ever done in my life. How am I supposed to be as swift and calm without shattering the entire egg, shell, and all into the bowl? I lightly tap the side of the egg, not wanting to go at it too hard.


My eyes snap to hers, amused. “Say that again, shorty.” My voice is low and gravelly.

“The egg, Grayson, tap the egg harder.” The side of her mouth lifts into a smile that I know she’s fighting right now. I tap the egg once more and it starts to seep out, “good, now you can use both hands to separate the shell and open it up.” When the shell falls perfectly apart in my hands and the contents plop into the bowl, I feel like it’s the best thing I’ve accomplished all year.

“I did it!” I shout. Nope, that was a very unmanly squeal and I’ll own it.
