Page 37 of All Of My Firsts

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I’m a little mortified, and a lot turned on. “Okay, no worries,” I yell as I stomp out of my kitchen.Fucking okay, no worries?Like he was just telling me he’ll be home late, and not that he’s holding my underwear hostage.

I bolt like I’ve never bolted before. Olympic athletes got nothing on me, especially since I look down and realise I’m wearing my heels. Iknowthat my feet are going to be on fire later… just like my vagina is right now.

I text the only person who might understand my brand of crazy right now.

Me:SOS I’ve lost my mind.

Zoey:Tell me everything. This is about a guy, right? Wait, I need to see your face. Meet me for lunch at the café across the street from your office.

Me:Oh God, it’s so bad, Zo. So bad.

Zoey:Stop teasing me! Tell me later. xo

I casually walk into my office and pretend that I can’t feel my heart beating in my feet. My stubbornness has cost me today because I flat out refused to go back into my house to get my trainers and my knickers. Yep, that’s right, I’m commando, in heels – at work. Fuck my life.

“Miss Scott, I just had a call from Ella’s mother, and she is going to be five or ten minutes late to the session today.” Jo, the receptionist for our side of the office, tells me. She’s a lovely lady and I’m trying to not snap at her because my feet are not her problem, and neither is a client being late.

“Thanks, Jo.” I stumble into my office and immediately take off my shoes. Breathe in, breathe out.

That’s better.

My working morning flies by relatively quickly. Ella was late and only ended up scowling at me for twenty minutes instead of her usual forty, but that’s fine with me.

I’m on my way to meet Zoey because I need to talk to someone about what happened this morning. As I walk into the café, I’m immediately hit with the fresh smell of coffee and freshly baked cakes. I see Zoey sitting by the window, her almost white hair blanching in the sunshine.

“Nora! Sit, sit. I ordered us both the chicken salad and a flat white because I don’t want to waste any time. Tell me everything.”

I sit opposite her, my salad already waiting for me on the table, briefly checking around the coffee shop in case there’s anyone I know. It’s quiet though; a few elderly people mumbling together on the other side of the shop.

“Okay, so I did something. Something bad… with Grayson.”

“Wait, Liam’s friend Grayson? The one who was at the picnic last year. The really hot, tattooed guy?”

I nod sheepishly.

“Oooh, when you saybad, how bad are we talking?”

“I maybe let him, um…” My mouth dries at the thought of admitting what happened. “Well actually, if I’m going to tell you…”

“Spit it out. I’m ageing here,” she pushes.

I hold my breath and blurt out, “He came over this morning to grab something for Liam, but my shoe was stuck, and he got on his knees to help me, and I blurted something rude out, and the next thing I know, his tongue was between my legs.”

And breathe.

Zoey’s mouth falls open. Wide open. And she doesn’t say a word. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her shocked or speechless. This is the girl who talks her way into any nightclub. The girl who picks up men with a look. And I’ve broken her.

I twirl my fingers in my lap, but it doesn’t help with my nerves, so I just continue, “that’s not all.”

“It’s not?” She’s yelling now. The elderly couple sitting across from us glare, and I feel my cheeks turn a fetching shade of magenta.

“No… I might have also made him, I mean he definitely, we, umm…”

“Jesus, Nora, if it’s this hard to talk about it, how did you actually do it?”

I huff, burying my head in my hands, dropping my voice to a whisper; something Zoey is incapable of doing. “I also gave him a happy ending too… in my hallway.”Seriously though, what the hell is wrong with me?

“With your mouth or your hand?”
