Page 9 of All Of My Firsts

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She searches my face, and just when I think her pause is her shutting me down. “My life needs more balance, okay? I work a lot and my social life is… dull. The most exciting thing I’ve done in the last year is well… never mind. I made this list because I promised myself that I would do more things that scare me, or finally get around to doing the things I’ve always wanted to do but haven’t got around to.” She looks at the list thoughtfully but quickly masks her face as if she’s dismissing whatever emotion she’s feeling. “It’s stupid really.”

“I don’t think it’s stupid. I think it’s cool. You want to take charge and make changes. I respect that,” I say, honestly. I see how tightly wound she is, and I think this will be good for her. Fun Nora is in there somewhere and I like it when she comes out to play. It’s like spotting a hummingbird in the middle of London; a very rare occurrence.

Then the need to tease her overtakes me like a fever, but not because I want to piss her off, because I want to earn a smile from her more than anything right now. “If you want help with anything, I’ll happily oblige. Especially that first one, have mind blowing sex? Pff easy, I’m your man.”

She drops her head into her hands again, groaning but there’s a smile I see peeking out from beneath her hands. “Please leave.”

I chuckle as she begins to try and usher me out of the kitchen. But it’s futile because she’s tiny and I’m, well, I’m not. “We’re not done with the planning, and now I have a much more exciting reason to stay.”

“You really don’t.”

“I really do.”

Her hands fall to her sides, as she finally gives up trying to push me. “Grayson, if you’re going to be more of a pain in my arse than usual, then I need you to leave. I’ll sort the rest of it out another time, but right now I’m this close.” She uses her finger and thumb to show me a tiny amount. “To losing it with you.” When I step closer to her, she twists her mouth to try and hide a smile and I grin, hoping it’ll bring out her own. When it does spread across her face, I feel triumphant. “Stop making me smile,” she slaps my chest playfully.

I catch her wrist on the rebound and place it back on my chest, she stiffens from my bold move, but I don’t miss the way she licks her lips quickly. “I like making you smile.” I say, reaching up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. I freeze, just before my fingers touch the soft dark strands, the affectionate move catching me off guard. I redirect my hand to land on her shoulder instead. “Plus, I don’t think you’re thinking clearly, I can help you with this list.”

“Saylistone more time I dare you,” she whispers, her voice raspy and lustful. It makes me wonder if she wants me to take her up on the dare and what would happen if I did…

A smirk passes over my mouth at the thought of her daring me to do something. She has to know that it’s near enough impossible to give up the threat of a dare, especially when she’s involved. But I let it go just this once. “So salty. Fine, if you’re too chicken…” As I start to walk away, she grabs my hand and quickly releases it like a hot potato. Both of us track the connection as she steps backwards.

“I’m not....” her fingers strum her sides. “You know what, I’m not biting.”

“Well, that’s a fucking shame in itself. I happen to love seeing my teeth marks all over you.”

“Grayson!” she squeals. “Please leave,” she requests for the second time, But this time there’s a lot less push and far more desire in her eyes and her body, her nipples peaking beneath her blouse.

“You’re always so keen to kick me out.”

“Maybe because you’re the most irritating person to walk the planet.” She huffs, placing the list on the worktop with a groan.

“I don’t think you’ve always found me so irritating. Have you?” I give her my best ‘come fuck me’ look because right now, I’d love nothing more than to fuck her.

She loses the annoyance in her eyes and replaces it with something else, something that heats me up even more as she leans towards me, giving me a glimpse down her blouse that’s the perfect V-shape, pointing to her beautiful breasts that I want to play with again. I can’t help but let my eyes travel the length of her delicate neck and imagine that it’s my tongue and not my gaze. She reaches out for me and grips my chin to force my eyes to hers. Her smile has an air of evil. Damn it’s hot.

“My eyes are up here.”

Her attitude has me licking my lips. “I know. I wasn’t looking for your eyes, shorty.” I’m not ashamed she caught me looking at her. She’s got a great body and my dick definitely remembers that right now. Which still makes my head spin.

My phone buzzes, breaking our connection, and she grabs the list from my hand, the look on her face triumphant. “My list, not yours.”

“Oh, you’re so wrong, shorty.”

Chapter 4


“Tellmeaboutyourmother?” I ask my thirteen-year-old patient who sits across from me on the soft grey sofa. We’ve been playing this game of avoidance for the last thirty minutes, and now she only has ten minutes of her session left.

“I don’t know what to tell you. She’s a bitch.”

“Okay, how do you feel right now?”

Her eyes almost roll back into her head. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Ella, I’m simply asking how you feel at the moment. Do you have any emotions you’d like to share with me?”

Again, with the eye roll. “Not really.”
