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Gany shivered, but not from alarm or aversion.All nightsoundedwonderful. But that warmth blooming inside him had turned into anitch, or maybe a smoldering fire that needed something to feed its flames.

“Could you”—Gany met Finn’s gaze—“move on to an appetizer?”

Finn’s eyes positively glowed—it must be the sun through the leaves overhead—and he grinned. “Something that lasts a little longer, you mean, that lingers on the tongue? A treat to savor?”

“Yes.” Gany nodded, his curls bouncing. “That.”

“All right, then. Here’s the chef’s special of the day.”

Finn gently angled Gany’s head, tilted his own the opposite way, and fitted their mouths together.

Oh.This. The little flame in Gany’s chest flared brighter. Finn’s lips were slightly parted, so Gany matched them, sharing breath, and when the tip of Finn’s tongue flickered against Gany’s lips?Well. He might not have a lot of kissing experience, but he knew how to RSVP tothatinvitation.

He opened wider and let Finn in.

Fuck, he tastes incredible.

Finn teased Gary’s tongue with his own. Advance. Retreat. Approach. Invite.

And Gary got it, picking up Finn’s cues and embellishing them, his fingers flexing in Finn’s curls, tilting his head for a better angle, a fuller taste, a deeper dive.

Gary was making surprised and appreciative sounds that he probably thought were inaudible, but that Finn’s werewolf hearing picked up loud and clear. Gary didn’t grind against him, but the hard length nestled against Finn’s erection was a sign he was into this, at least as far as they’d gone.

But although Gary hadtoldFinn that he had intimacy issues, he hadn’t elaborated. Making out like this might be as much as Gary was ready for. And that was okay. That was all right. Because this right here—Gary flooding his senses with touch and taste and, Remus’steeth, smell—was more than okay and all right.

It was outstanding. Superlative.Perfect.

Finn was happy—no, ecstatic—to let Gary set their pace, togivewhatever Gary asked.

But he refused totake, not when he had nothing to offer in return, when he might be gone by next week, when he’d be tarred with his father’s crimes forever.

Finn couldn’t do that to Gary. He wouldn’t.

Then there was the little matter of Gary being human. A relationship between a human and a werewolf would send the supe council into the stratosphere.

Kissing, though. Kissing he could do. Kissing he could—

Gary pulled away with a gasp. “Gods, Finn.”

“Yeah?” Finn was having a hard time catching his own breath. “You okay?”

“Okay? I’m… I’m… Sorry, I don’t havewords. I never thought it could feel likethis.” Gary bit his lip. “But—”

“I know.” Finn tore his gaze away, not wanting to see regret chase the glow of wonder from Gary’s face. “It’s just a onetime thing.”

“What? No! That is, I hope it’s not. But there are three dogs staring at us.” He lowered his head and murmured, “Theyknow, Finn.”

Finn’s laugh escaped, shaking his chest and bouncing Gary enough that Finn had to steady him with both hands on the small of his back.

“They’re just dogs, Gary, not psychics.” He tilted his head to peer at the dogs upside down. “Although canines in general have boundary issues, and I’ve gotta admit, these guys look a little too interested in the proceedings for my comfort. I’d rather continue this in private.” He gazed up at Gary. “If you, that is… Do you want to? Do this? Try any more, um, recipes?”

“I already said this isn’t a onetime thing, Finn. Not for me. I—” His eyes popped wide and he pushed himself to his knees, straddling Finn’s thighs. “Oh gods, I almost forgot.” His smile went nuclear. “That call! I’ve got a job!”

Finn sat up and rested his hands on Gary’s waist. “I know. The bakery—”

“Yes, yes. But I’ve been trying to launch a catering business, and every single bid I’ve submitted has been turned down.”

“Every one? How many are we talking about?”
