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Zeus’s alabaster brow wrinkled. “But I’m here tofixthat, Ganymede. To apologize. To make amends.”

Gany’s eyebrows shot up of their own accord. Zeus apologizing? Heneverapologized for anything. And how in hades did he expect to make amends for kidnapping? For sexual assault? For enslavement?

Gany lowered his brows and narrowed his eyes. “Let’s hear it, then.”

Zeus folded his hands in front of himself. He probably thought it made him look nonthreatening and repentant, but considering he was framing his dick between his wrists, it wasn’t really hitting the right note.

On the other hand, this wasZeus. The dick shot was probably intentional.

“I was remiss in my care of you. I should have engaged more fully. Protested when Tyche ordered you to toil in the Purgatory kitchens.“

“It wasn’t an order. I volunteered. And it was the best kind of toil. I had a blast.”

“A blast?” Zeus’s chest expanded and his eyes blazed. “Did Hephaestus steal one of my lightning bolts again? He thinks just because he makes the ammo that he’s entitled to raid the inventory.”

Gany rolled his eyes. “Not that kind of blast.”

Zeus lifted one hand in the royal wave. “In any case, as it’s not relevant to this moment, I shall let the transgression pass. Let’s talk about us.” He gazed down at Gany with what he probably thought was an earnest expression. “I’m here to mend things with you, Ganymede. To take you home.”

Gany frowned. “I am home.”

Zeustsked. “You needn’t suffer in this hovel, not when Olympus awaits.” He lowered his voice and leered. “Awaits us both.”

“So let me get this straight.” Gany dropped his hands to his sides, fists clenched. “You’re not apologizing for taking me to Olympus in the first place, but for letting me leave?”

Bewilderment flickered across Zeus’s broad face. “Of course.”

“I don’t freaking believe it,” Gany muttered.

“I tried to tell him!”

Gany whirled to see Eros peering over the fence from the neighbor’s yard. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he muttered, grateful to Finn for teaching him that particular phrase. It was souseful, not to mention expressive.

“Stay out of this, Eros,” Zeus hollered. “This isn’t your affair.”

“No, it’s not,” Gany said. “It’s not yours either, Zeus, but it’s most definitely mine. I never wanted to go to Olympus in the first place, I didn’t want tostaythere, and now that I’ve escaped, I’m never going back.”

“You don’t mean that, Ganymede,” Zeus said with an indulgent smile. “If you did, the app wouldn’t say so.”

“Are you going to listen to an app or me? I’m telling you, no.”

Zeus chuckled. “That’s what they all say at first.”

“Then you shouldlisten. You’re not entitled to everything—to everybody—you want just because you’re the guy with the biggest throne.”

“Nonsense. Once we’re home—”

“He told you no.” Finn’s voice, backed by the slide of the door, was nearly as growly as the dogs’.

Uh oh.

Gany glanced over his shoulder. And blinked.

Finn was naked.

But before he could blink a second time, Finn was…

A wolf. A reallybigwolf, black and shaggy, with two moon-white spots on his shoulder.
