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I need her.

I blow out a heavy breath as she grinds against me. Even through my boxers I can tell how soaking wet her panties are.

“Okay, princess. Come on.” I lift her off me and land her on the bed again, but not without a fight. She claws and whines, playfully pulling her frame back toward me. This time it’s weak, and soon she settles on the bed, moaning beside me. Her eyes are closed, and she still looks like she’s lost in dreamland.

I drag in a deep breath and reach down to touch my swollen cock. It’s a quick brush at first, a need that’s involuntary given the cold that’s left from the space where Grace’s warm body was a moment ago.

But the second I lift away, the urge to come is overwhelming.

I exhale, trying to rationalize away from the touch. She’s two feet away. She could wake up any second. I’m a sick, old man. It’s a fucked-up thing to do… masturbate next to a sleeping woman.

There are a million reasons for me to stop, but my hand tucks under my boxers and begins to jerk. Slow and steady, hard and fast, as the memory of Grace touching my lips, my cock, my skin echoes over and over. Her long brown hair falling against my shoulder. The way she moaned so fucking soft in my ear. The touch of her nipple against my back and chest.

The way she brushed against my cock.


I jerk harder and harder, memorizing her scent. It’s some kind of flower and berry. This is so fucking wrong.

I consider stopping, but the moment passes so briefly as my thighs tense and pleasure shoots up into my cock, erupting over the top of my hand like some horny fucking teenager who can’t keep it in his pants.

I knew I should’ve slept on the couch!

I stand from the bed and make my way to the bathroom, half expecting that Grace will wake up and see the load of come I’m carrying with me.

What the hell?

Instead, she stays sound asleep, and I disappear into the bathroom shower to wash away all my sins and talk myself out of any and all feelings I’ve developed for the girl, except the warm water only has me wanting her more, and the sound of her moans still echo in my head until my cock is hard again.

I blow out a heavy breath and scrub shampoo through my hair and over my beard, desperate to erase every thought and feeling that’s snuck inside of me.

‘She’s not that great,’I tell myself over and over… but I know it’s a lie. I know who I’ve been with her. I know what we are. There’s no debating that. I see it when we’re working together at the lodge. And if I’m being honest, I’ve imagined what her skin would feel like against mine for a while now. Her soft skin, her long hair, her sweet breath.


I stroke my cock. This was supposed to be me forgetting her, not revving the engine again. I pump out a few strokes as I imagine her hips grinding against me.

“Knock, knock,” a soft voice says from behind the door. “I’m sorry. I know you’re in the shower, but do you mind if I pee quick? I drank all that tea before bed and it’s an emergency.”

“No. Come in.” I let go of my dick and go back to scrubbing as the door swings open and the toilet lid goes up. The porcelain top hits the back of the tank and she sighs as she sits and pees. “I’m so sorry. This is weird and super embarrassing. I wouldn’t have—”

“You’re fine.” I swallow hard and dig into my hair even harder.

When she’s finished, she flushes the toilet, and the water goes inferno hot against my back. I deserve it, so I stand beneath the flaming hot water and listen as the door closes again and the sound of her voice echoes in thanks.

I need to get my fucking act together.

Chapter Five


I sit on the leather chair near the fireplace and stare into the flames thinking about last night.

My dreams were insanely real, and though I know well enough to know they were dreams, I can’t help but wake up this morning desperate for Arnie to touch me.

What is it about a dream that does that to a person?

Sometimes, I’ll dream about cupcakes and suddenly, I spend the next day searching for a red velvet. Or, if I dream someone cheated on me, I’ll spend the next day angry at them. So then, it makes sense that if I have the most realistic sex dream I’ve ever had, that I’d spend the next day wishing I was on Arnie’s cock.
