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I could tell her the long story of how I ended up at Arnie’s, but I know I’m not in any serious danger and explaining everything will take too long. “Yeah, I’m in for the night. You get some sleep.”

“Wait.” Her response is slow. “What’s that mean… you’re in for the night? Are you home?”

“I’m, ugh, I’m not home, actually. I’m up at a friend’s cabin for the night. Hopefully, one night, unless the storm gets worse.”

She laughs. “You’re being awfully cryptic. What’s going on? And FYI, the storm is supposed to get worse. They’re calling for twenty-four inches by morning.”

“What?How?It’s too early in the season for snow like that!”

“Doesn’t matter! The universe knows Santa needs snow to land his sleigh.” She laughs. “Where have you been? No, better question… where are you?”

“I’m with Arnie tonight.”

She pauses as though she’s figuring out how to respond.“The cook?”


“Okay… he’s like a million years older than you and isn’t he like your mom’s friend?”

Oh my god.I forgot my mom is friends with Arnie. They met at the diner years ago, and though our paths never crossed until the lodge, we did discuss the fact that he knew my mom more than once. Maybe I blocked it out for sanity purposes.

I nod my head. “Yeah, they are. I ugh… that guy… Jack showed up at work tonight and Arnie wouldn’t let me go home, so he’s holding me captive.”

“Ohh... well, I guess that’s nice of him then. I’m glad you’re safe.” She yawns as she talks. “Since you’re not in danger, I guess I’ll go to sleep. Call me tomorrow. I will listen to all the dirty details on what an asshole Jack is. Plus, I have to fill you in on all the Bodie drama.”

“What Bodie drama? I thought you were letting him go?”

“I am… but he’s back in town for the holiday and,” she blows out a breath, “every time I see him something crashes and burns inside of me.”

“Sounds painful. I’m not sure love is supposed to feel like that.”

“It’s not love.” She laughs. “Trust me, it’s not love. It’s some weird chemical response that…” She sighs again. “He’s a drug, Grace. A terrible, awful, addictive drug and I need him.”

“You need sleep. We’ll talk soon.”

She sighs. “Fine. Good luck being kidnapped. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

When the line is disconnected, I put my phone onto the nightstand and stare up at the ceiling.

Okay, so something is wrong with me. I’m lusting after a man who’s friends with my mother. I’m pretty sure that makes me a terrible daughter, and probably solidifies the fact that I most definitely have daddy issues. I guess that makes sense considering my father wasn’t a part of my life at all. Though, I’m sure there are lots of women with similar upbringings. They don’t all go running for their mom’s friends.

I suck in Arnie’s scent again and let my clit twitch like a fucking psycho. That’s the last time. I swear.

No more lusting, no more thinking about his muscled arms, or his big rough hands. No more wishing he were lying next to me in bed. Arnie helped me out. He’s being kind. The end. That’s all this is.

I drag in a deep breath and let it out slowly, but I’m interrupted by the door squeaking open.

“Did I hear you on the phone?” Arnie’s tone is curt. Why do I like this part of him too? This more aggressive, possessive version. It’s just as hot as the cinnamon roll he’s got baking inside.

“Yes. You’re a terrible kidnapper. That’s not my fault.”

“Is someone coming to get you?”

I roll my eyes, an attempt at acting annoyed by his presence, even though I’m more than elated he’s standing in front of me again. “They would be, but the storm is too bad. You’re stuck with me now.”

His shoulders relax as though he’s relieved. “You shouldn’t be calling people.”
