Page 23 of Tangled Sanctuary

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I wanted to kiss him and feel his arms wrapped around me.

I didn’t realize I’d said all that out loud until he sighed, “I want that too.”

Heat crawled over my cheeks, and I cleared my throat. “I’m glad, but I’m not sure about boundaries.” It’d be a lie to say I hadn’t daydreamed aboutmorewith him, about the slide of him between my thighs, but was it too soon?

We were only just now talking about a relationship, after all…

Fighting past the uncertainty, I turned to him and said. “I’m physically attracted to you, but I’m not sure how far I’m comfortable going with us only starting out.”

He nodded, understanding clear in his face and eyes. “I get that. Maybe if you’re worried, we could start small.” He kissed my hand. “Things like this and other innocent touches.”

That sounded nice, but a twinge from down south made me add on. “I like the thought of that, but maybe we can add some…mild explorations? Unless you’d prefer to take it slow, that’s perfectly fine, too.”

Men were just as allowed to want that as women, and I refused to hear otherwise.

He blinked, clearly surprised, but then he shook it off and smiled. “Trust me, I don’t mind the thought at all. Whatever pace you want to do, I’m here for it.”

He leaned closer, our noses brushing now as he asked. “So tell me, Jen, what do you want right now?”

The words were all but oozing with double meaning, and something low in me clenched, an ache I hadn’t felt in too long burning to life.

Fisting a hand in his shirt, I pulled him closer until I could feel his breath on my lips, then I said. “I want to kiss you.”

He didn’t answer verbally, instead closing the distance and pulling me into a slow, searching kiss. He took his time, tongue sliding past my lips to explore at leisure. When my lungs started to burn, I tugged away and he smiled, leaning his head on mine.

“Like that?” He asked and I nodded.

“Yeah. Again?”

His smile stretched a hair wider and he closed the distance again. This time it was faster, his tongue sneaking out to twine with mine before sucking. A bolt of desire snapped up my spine and I shivered, grinding against him with a muffled moan.

He pulled me over him, my legs on either side of his lap as he continued staking a claim, tasting each corner of my mouth until finally he eased back with a slow breath.

“If you don’t want things to go past this, then we need to take a step back.” He said, and it took my lust fogged mind a minute to realize what he meant.

Glancing down at his lap, I caught the tent to his jeans and flushed. “Sorry,” I said and he chuckled, shaking his head.

“Nothing to apologize for; it’s natural given our current position. If you want to keep kissing, we can, but we need to dial it back a bit or you’ll be getting poked with that the entire time.”

I clenched my thighs together at the thought and he noticed; his eyes darkening as his hand drifted there, stroking my clothed inner thigh.

“Or would you like that? To feel me rutting against you?”

The image branded across my eyelids and I sucked in a breath, instinctually bucking against him before I could control the movement. He smiled, satisfied.

“How does this sound, Jen? No clothes get removed, not today, at least. Our hands can wander under them,” his fingers slipped under the hem of my shirt as if to show this, the calloused tips stopping just shy of my chest, “and we see where it goes. Explore me to your heart’s content, and I’ll do the same.”

He didn’t move his hands, letting them rest there as I mulled it over. It felt nice, having him close like this, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want more. I wanted everything, every last bit of him he was willing to give.

I wasn’t quite ready for the full way, not with things between us being so new, but this? This I could handle.

Swallowing my nerves, I nodded. “I like the sound of that,” I said, trailing a hand down to the hem of his shirt. His eyes were twin lasers, boring into me as my fingers lightly brushed his stomach. It was flat, toned muscle meeting my touch as I moved upward.

There was a thin line of hair leading up his chest and I stopped momentarily. I brushed against it again, noting the stark difference between smooth skin and soft hair before finally continuing with my exploration. I followed every dip and hollow of his muscles up until I reached his heart.

It beat like a drum under my palm, the fast rhythm matching mine as I just rested there a minute, taking in how nice it was to feel this. There was the hot thrum of lust, but alongside that was a warm, almost silk-like feeling.

Comfort and safety.
