Page 118 of The Royal Gauntlet

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“We know. I didn’t show you that to make you feel guilty. I showed you that so you can understand what is going on outside your room. Dion knows he can’t push you, that you need to do things when you’re ready, and I’m not trying to push you to take what Tink is offering. But these problems you think are problems really aren’t. They’re all invented problems. I don’t talk to Dion about your sex lives, but I would bet anything that he’s just tired and doesn’t want to push you on it. He wants to wait until you’re ready.” My voice is light and even. I know that if he could, Finn would cast a glare in my direction for what he perceives as talking down to him. I don’t even mention Bria now because who even knows what is going on with that wild card?

“What do you propose I do then?”

I ignore Finn’s condescending tone. “Try talking to him. You’ve been together for so long. It feels foolish to let communication break down now.”

“Maybe,” Finn grumbles, “but he has to stop talking down to me.”

“Then tell him that!” Cat practically shouts. “You can’t dance around each other without talking about it.”

I look past Finn and raise an eyebrow at her, wondering if she’s taking her own advice.

“Sure, sure. You make it sound so easy. What’s the point if Posey is just going to kill us all?”

“Enough,” I bark, startling them both. “We’re not going to die. I’m going to have to deal with the emotional fallout of finding out that not only do I actually have original parents but they’re Titans, rebuild an entire realm, and do this while keeping my blood pressure low enough that Pom doesn’t come early.”

The reminder that we all have something to live for, that we have someone to fight for, breaks them both out of the fatalistic stupor they were falling into. Cat manages to trap Finn into talking about the who’s who of Solarem, and I take that as my chance to sneak out.

I’m not going looking for trouble, but I want to see for myself that the veil is lowered. I trust Essos to handle these things, but we’re so close that I don’t want us to forget anything.

Zara spies me first when I make it down the stairs and she gives me a small smile.

“This is going to work out,” she swears. “And also, I hate to say it, but Lairus is a total DILF.”

I scrunch my nose up. “That is not a mental image I want or ever needed.”

“Well, you have it. Shouldn’t you and Pom be resting?” she teases, leading me outside. I trust her to show me the way since I don’t actually know where this blade is being forged.

“Even if we were, you would mind your own business about that,” I warn.

“I suppose I would, for I am but a mere mortal in the presence of a goddess.” Zara barely finishes her sentence before letting out a laugh.

Slowly, we wind our way toward the paddock, where I can hear the sound of metal on metal with repeated clanging.

The group comes into view, and I can see Essos standing with his arms crossed. His back is to me, but I can see his fingers drumming against his side as Lairus sits with Octavia on his lap.

“Would you look at who I found just wandering the property?” Zara’s tone is light, but Essos spins around on high alert. When he sees it’s me, his gaze softens, and he welcomes me into his embrace. Any reason for this man to be touching me I am A-OK with.

“Have you fixed the veil?” I hate that we’re not really going to have time to confirm with my parents that it worked before we face off with Posey, but I did this to us.

“Not yet. Give me another knife,” Lairus demands, holding his hand out. Octavia pouts and then narrows her eyes in my direction.

“It was Esmaray’s blood, wasn’t it?” Octavia accuses me, shifting so she’s practically grinding on Lairus’s lap. At the mention of his wife’s name, Lairus shoves Octavia off his lap so he can approach me.

“You’ve seen your mother and she’s told you the truth.”

“Her version of it, anyway,” I confirm, craning my head to look up at him.

“She was always honest and would have no reason to lie. I delight to see the child you will bear. She is a third generation Titan and she will make gods cower in her presence.” Lairus touches my stomach and it feels a little like a blessing he’s bestowing. I hope she doesn’t feel the weight of all these prophecies hanging over her.

I form a vine blade in my hand just to be sure I still can before I hand it over to Lairus. “What else do you need?”

“A worthy skill, child.” He turns his back on me to face Octavia. “Come, lover, and spill your blood with me so we may make love and shelter Solarem from the mortals.”

This brightens Octavia. “I know just the spot.”

I had wanted to watch, to ensure the ritual is done, but there are some things I never have to witness, and the man who claims to be my father and my mother-in-law having sex in front of me is one of them.

Zara pulls the book out to consult it. “I don’t remember that part being necessary.”
