Page 120 of The Royal Gauntlet

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“Have you talked to Finn about it?” I ask him gently. I slide my hand around his middle to hug him close.

“Not a chance. Not yet. I want to, but I don’t want it to be because I need to get it off my chest. I want it to be because Finn is in the right frame of mind to hear about it.”

“When this is all over, we’re all due for a long vacation from everything.” I press my lips to his chest, trying to inject some levity to the moment. Because despite my fears, there will be a tomorrow and a next week. There will be a time when we can just live day-to-day and not have to survive from day-to-day.

“When this is all over, you and I are going to go somewhere very far away from everyone else, where all we have to worry about is the weather forecast and making sure that we are well stocked with food you want, because I plan on spending a solid three years where it’s just me and you and no clothing.” He kisses my neck, tickling me.

“You forget we’ll have a tiny goddess to contend with as well,” I point out.

Essos beams at me, and it’s so blinding, I almost wonder if he is the child of the Sun God as well because he shines when he truly smiles. “We don’t want our little pomegranate to be an only child. I hear you’re most fertile just after having a baby.” He grabs my ass, kneading it as he pulls me against his body.

I gasp into his mouth, but he descends on me like a drowning man looking for something to lift him. The hard length of him presses against my thigh. Desire floods my nerves, making every thought eddy out of my mind. Only he stays there. Essos is the only thing that I want. His hand slides down and around to my ass, which he squeezes before pulling my thigh over his hips. Essos’ fingers dip between my legs and then into me when he finds me slick and ready for him.

The bigger I’ve gotten, the more awkward it’s become, and I can only imagine how much more difficult it will be when I’ve swollen into my third trimester. I adjust so I’m straddling him, leaning down as far as I can get. The distance could be closed, but I enjoy the thrill of being the one in control, watching as my husband comes undone.

I slide my clit over his erection and Essos growls, his fingertips digging into my thighs.

“I want to be inside you,” he demands.

I rock my hips again as I slide over the sensitive underside of his cock. “And I wanted you in bed hours ago. You’re just going to have wait for me to take my pleasure.”

He lets out a hiss when I lift my hips. “Then by all means, my queen, take your pleasure.”

I reach between us, lifting up. His eyes light up, expecting me to take him into me, but instead, I slid my own fingers along my wet sex, and then inside myself, moaning. I grind against my hand, slipping a second finger inside myself, setting the pace that I know is driving me wild. This isn’t sustainable, how I’m lifted above his body, but I can’t get over the restraint Essos is showing. He reaches a hand out, grasping my breast over my shirt, one finger teasing my pebbled nipple. The rough fabric of my shirt sends my mind reeling.

My own impatience wins out, and I grasp Essos’s cock, sliding my wet fingers along him, stroking leisurely. I fit myself over him and then let my body slide down, absorbing inch after glorious inch.

I gasp, never getting used to the feel of him. After centuries together, our coupling never got old, and it isn’t getting old now as I move my hips back and forth.

“Fuck, Daphne,” Essos grinds out. I grasp my shirt to pull it over my head, only for it to get stuck with my arms trapped over my head. Essos lets out a deep chuckle, taking full advantage to grasp both of my breasts with his hands. He kneads them, tweaking my nipples while I’ve trapped myself in my shirt.

“Help,” I plead, which only makes him laugh more, even though I’ve stopped moving. Essos thrusts up into me and my head falls back in a moan at the feel of him bottoming out inside me. His hands graze my side, returning the tickling favor before gripping my hips. He won’t help me out of my shirt, but he lifts me lightly before bracing his feet on the bed and thrusting into me again.

“I like you right where you are, my queen.”

I pant as he fucks me. I manage to get the shirt off just in time to grip his pecs, my nails digging into his skin as my orgasm catches me and carries me away. The look on Essos’ face reveals that he’s right there with me as we moan in tandem. My orgasm is so intense, it’s like watching the creation of the universe the way stars explode in my mind. There is a violent ringing in my ears, and I have to blink to clear my vision.

When I do, I see one of the most perfect sights: my husband lying under me, giving me the secret smile of a satisfied lover. We might die in a few hours, but at least we have right now.


We do very little sleeping. When the sun rises, filling our room with its golden rays, we’re both a little worse for wear. No shower or amount of makeup can cover the bags under our eyes. It doesn’t stop me from trying while Essos watches me in the mirror with an amused smirk.

“I’msoglad you’re entertained,” I grumble, trying my best to smooth the cover-up under my eye. I could do it with magic but there is something soothing about doing things myself.

“Love, you’re a goddess. If you don’t want bags under your eyes, then make it so. For the record, I think you’re beautiful and don’t need all this fuss.”

Essos pushes off from the doorway he’s leaning against, stalking toward me like a predator. I think we’ve finally reached the limits of my pregnant libido. Still, I get a rush of desire admiring his bare sculpted chest, following the trail of his muscles down his Adonis belt, knowing full well what is waiting for me under his low-slung sweats.

“I know I don’t need all of this fuss, but what is a little extra emotional armor against Posey?” It won’t change the outcome of the day, but it will make me feel just a little better.

Essos grips my shoulders before letting his fingers slide down my arms. He hugs me from behind, pulling me to his chest and resting his chin on my head. The smile he gives me is sad and regretful and I know what is going to come next. It’s the conversation I’ve been avoiding since he came to bed.


“Essos,” I interrupt, giving him a level look. He won’t break eye contact.

“Dion is taking Finn to a safe house in the mortal realm. If things start to look bad, I want you to go. I want you to get to the mortal realm and then find him. You need to promise me you’ll do this.”
