Page 122 of The Royal Gauntlet

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Helene is dressed smartly in a blue tunic and black leggings. She has her own belt of gadgets and I have to wonder if I’ve made a mistake. Kai, who is apparently not sitting in time-out, joins us with a bandoleer crossing his bare chest.

I’m criminally overdressed and want to run upstairs to rectify this, but Essos grabs my shoulder, shaking his head.

Kai gives me a sly grin. “So, Daphne is going for mind games. We don’t think you’re enough of a threat, so I’m not going to bother with weapons. It’s a bold decision,” Kai teases.

“You’re supposed to still be in the corner,” Helene scolds.

Kai hugs his wife from behind, kissing her cheek. “Starfish, you can’t blame me for wanting to keep you safe.”

It’s fascinating to watch Helene actually melt into his arms with just one small sentence. “It’s cute you think that, but I absolutely can blame you.” She pats him on his cheek with a fearsome grin.

“I’m guessing you all got the run-and-hide speech?” Cat asks, sliding down the banister. Essos is quick to catch her when her momentum is too fast and she nearly barrels into our group.

“We did,” I confirm.

“I’m going to take Xavier up on the offer. I’m a liability for now. It’s best to not have me here.”

Cat’s words seize my heart like a fist, squeezing. “You’re not a liability,” I protest.

“She is, and there is no harm in her recognizing that. There is strength in knowing your weaknesses,” Kai says sagely.

I smack his arm with the back of my hand. “Stop making sense,” I whine. Then I hug Cat tightly.

“I’m sure Essos already said it, but you should come with me. There is no need for you and Pom to be in the middle of this.”

“I appreciate the concern, but if I’m absent, I don’t think she’ll hesitate to make it a massacre. I mean, she’s probably already planning it but me being here might at least force her to think twice,” I protest.

Cat brushes my hair behind my ears before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

“My mother and Lairus are gone, and the veil is in place,” Galen announces. He’s slow coming down the stairs and is followed by Callie, also dressed in leggings and a T-shirt, and Tink, who looks the most tired of us all. His hair is sticking up in every which direction, and his shirt is mis-buttoned.

I wish I could go to see my parents to confirm about the veil for myself, but we’re short on time. After this, when we’re successful, I’ll go to them and confirm. I’m going to manifest that future by obsessively thinking it.

“When did they leave?” Xavier demands, emerging from the kitchens.

“Last night after the forging of the blade. They said they’re not interested in the entanglements of minor beings.” Galen sounds almost disappointed in them. He won’t meet my eye, but when he looks around at us all, his gaze catches on my stomach.

“Well, they aren’t winning any Grandparent of the Year awards,” I grumble, leaning into Essos. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, tugging me close.

“For what it’s worth, I agree with my brother,” Galen says. “You should flee with Cat and Finn. You’re pregnant.”

I nearly hiss when Galen finds the balls to tell me what I should and should not be doing.

“That’s rich coming from the man that murdered me the last time I was pregnant.” My breaths start coming in rapid and shallow. It’s not something I let myself dwell on when I think about what happened that day.

“That’s right. I did that and I wanted you. Just imagine what someone who hates you will do to you. Posey will carve Pom from your stomach and make you watch as she slits her throat moments after taking her first breath.”

“Enough, Galen,” Essos demands. My husband places himself between us, breaking my line of sight of Galen, but it’s too late, I’m hyperventilating. My vision is starting to narrow, and I can’t. This is a terrible idea. I shouldn’t be here; we shouldn’t be doing this. I’m a terrible mother for thinking that I should do this.

“Daphne, love, I need you to breathe,” Essos coaxes. He takes my hand and places it on his chest while holding my other hand to my chest. “Match my breath.”

I try. I try to listen to him, but I’m just seeing that ghastly image that Galen has put in my mind and it’s worse than any nightmare I could have dreamed up.

My vision goes stark white for a second, and then I’m in a meadow that’s calm and quiet. I can hear birds chirping. I’m sitting on a blanket beneath a willow tree, my back pressed against Essos. I don’t have to see to know that he’s the one there, I can smell him–sandalwood, vanilla, and cinnamon invading my senses. Before me, a little girl with dark curls chases a butterfly. Her short, stubby legs means that she can never catch it, but she won’t stop, giggling as she goes. Even when she stumbles to her knees, she’s quick to get back up again.

“You think we’re ready for more?” Essos asks, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

“We don’t have much of a choice, now do we?” I joke, taking one of his hands and pressing it to my stomach. There is barely a bump, but I know in my heart of hearts that we’re having another child, a boy this time.
