Page 88 of The Bone Man

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He shoves his hands into his pockets. “Now what?”

I drag my gaze from the dancing flames. “Now we locate the Bone Man and destroy it for good, before it rises to seek new souls.”

Johannsson scrubs a hand over his tired face. “Fuck, how am I supposed to tell Sharpe we destroyed evidence?”

“Don’t worry, Sharpe will have more bones soon enough.” I clap him on the shoulder. “You should get some sleep. I’m sure it won’t be long before you’re being called back to service.”

He shakes his head. “I have to go debrief first.”

“Look at you, being a real cop,” I tease.

He snorts. “Shut up before I arrest you for destroying evidence.”

As we walk back through the Conservatory toward the main entrance, my phone vibrates with an incoming call.

I check the caller ID and see Lia’s name on the screen.

The thought of the living kids we’ve saved eases some of the pain of what we just did, and I press answer as I lift the phone to my ear. “Hey, what can I do for my favorite foster mom?”

with full force

- Sharpe -

I seeMarc and Pen off before I join my officers in the squad room, where O’Hara and Mayn pass out containers of Chinese food.

They chatter amongst themselves, those who were at the battle in the Bone Yard telling their partners what they missed. Some look relieved to have been left out of the fight, but most hold an air of envy for missing the action.

They should be happy, then, to learn they’ll have another chance. But I’ll wait for them to enjoy their food first.

My shoulder protests as I walk back into the squad room. I had foregone the sling, much to Pen’s annoyance, but I don’t want my people to worry. When I get home later, I’ll put the sling on and let my shoulder rest as much as possible.

I join Mayn, whose hair still drips from her soak in the saltwater tank. Her skin holds a refreshed glow, and her braid lies tame down her back.

She passes me a container of beef and broccoli over rice with a closed-lip smile.

“They are still lively.” Mayn picks at her container of chicken feet and nods toward our newest members, who earned their place in the squad tonight by defeating a common enemy. “You have won them over.”

“I’m just glad they didn’t run when given the chance,” I say in a low tone so as not to carry. “This is a far cry from handing out traffic tickets or investigating petty crime.”

“We have our fair share of petty crime as well.” She pops a foot into her mouth and crunches happily. “They’ll get to experience that, too, once things settle down.”

I lift an eyebrow. “When will that be?”

“Soon,” she says in the tone of someone begging for respite.

I bump my good shoulder against hers. “Are you growing weary of the hunt?”

“Even hunters need time to relax.” Her black eyes meet mine. “Nickodemus will be pleased with the return of his children. An accord for the Bone Yard will be struck.”

“It will probably come with a demand that the streets be fixed, and the hole filled.” Tension fills my body at the thought of going before the city council to bargain for yet more funding. “The repairs will cost the city a fortune if they still want their tourist attraction.”

“It is their pet project.” Mayn plucks another chicken foot from her container. “They will find the funding.”

I nod, acknowledging the truth in her words. They might not like to give my people funds to keep the streets safe, but they’ll shell it out for something they hope will bring in more money.

I sigh and shift on my feet, the pain in my shoulder making me restless. “I just wish there was another way. It’s not just about the money. Beings have lost their lives, their homes. The death toll…” I trail off, unable to finish the thought.

“They will build new homes, and those who can will return.” Mayn leans against my good side in a show of affection. “We did a good thing for the Others today, and they will honor that.”
