Page 12 of Where Demons Hide

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Her eyes go wide, then fill with tears. She claws at my forearm.

I squeeze tighter. “What does he have on you?” I loosen my grip long enough for her to answer.

She shakes her head.

I squeeze tighter. “I asked you a fucking question.”

“He said it was me or her,” she rasps when I loosen my grip again. “He told me you’d be gone. Said that was my chance. She wasn’t hard to find. Your girlfriend is predictable.”

It takes everything in me not to squeeze the life out of her right now. I take a deep breath and channel the smooth calmness of control. “So, you slashed her tires, then promised her help and a friend?”

Her body sags into my grip. She’s not fighting me anymore. “She didn’t want my friendship. The only way I got her to leave with me was offering to tell her your secrets.”

I squeeze her throat and clench my teeth. “What did you tell her?” My voice is low but feral.

Hers is a strangled whisper. Fear flashes in her eyes. “Nothing.”

“I’ve had a long fucking morning, so this is what’s going to happen.” I meet her stare. “You’re going to disappear.” I shove my phone back into my pocket. “I don’t care where you go or how you get there.” Her face pales and her lips turn blue. “Your father will no longer receive my protection. From this point forward, I don’t give a fuck what happens to him or his business. I’ll let him go as soon as I know you’re as far away as you can get. And if you ever come near Makenna again, I will make you watch me kill him, then slice your goddamn throat.” I drop her. “Understand?”

She grasps at her neck, rubbing her throat as she sputters and coughs.

“Do you understand?”

She nods. “Yes.” Her voice scratches over the words.

“I’m giving you twenty-four hours, and that’s being generous.” I turn to leave, stopping to glance over my shoulder at her. “Don’t fuck with me, Eva.”



Jaxon brought me home, then waited outside while I grabbed my clothes and called Brynn to let her know I’d be getting ready at Callisto’s.

My ceremony is in two hours. After Jaxon dropped me off at Callisto’s loft, I showered, fixed my hair and makeup, got dressed. Now, I’m in a lounge chair, sitting on the terrace that goes the entire length of his penthouse, looking out over the city.

The breeze blows in between the buildings, in and out of alleyways. Up here, the sound of chatter on the sidewalks is drowned out by the chirping of birds. I feel separate, away from the turmoil. Untouchable. Up here, it’s easy to escape.

I think about how so much has changed so fast. All I’ve known for so long is school and work and loneliness. Now, I’m done with school. I’m trying to find a job at a local hospital. And for the first time in a long time, I’m not lonely.

I feel Callisto’s presence before I see him. He walks up behind me and moves my hair to the side, then kisses my neck.

“You look comfortable here.” He smells like cedar and vanilla, clean, like he just showered.

I crane my neck to look at him, pulling my lip between my teeth when I meet his dark eyes. “I like the view.”

He stands up straight, leaving me eye-level with the outline of his hard cock straining against his dark blue dress pants. “Careful. We won’t make it to the convention center.”

I lick my lips. “A sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

He spears me with his gaze. “Stand up.”

I do.

“Give me your panties.”

I reach underneath my black dress and slip my panties over my hips, then down my legs and step out of them. I dangle them between two fingers.

He smirks, taking them from me. “Good girl.” He stuffs the black fabric into his pockets, then smacks my ass. “Now, let’s go.”
