Page 20 of Where Demons Hide

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“Fucking hell,” he says on an exhale. “Don’t you knock?”

It all happened so fast I can’t breathe. I study Brynn, then Callisto. Ryleigh stands by the dresser, eyes wide and utterly silent. Brynn bristles beside me. I drape an arm over her shoulder and pull her against my side. I’ve never had a gun held at my temple, but I would imagine it’s scary as shit.

The air swarms with chaotic thoughts as wild gazes dance around the room. Everyone but Callisto, who is perfectly calm.

That’s when I realize he’s definitely naked, and I think Ryleigh might be taking mental notes.

Brynn breaks the silence. “He’s naked. With a GLOCK.” She’s shouting as if she doesn’t believe it. “I can’t decide if I find that sexy as hell or scary as shit.”

I vote sexy as hell. Maybe a little scary if I wasn’t the one screwing him.

Callisto walks around the bed, grabs his pants off the floor, and slips them on without buttoning or zipping them, leaving that sexy patch of trimmed hair still visible.

Ryleigh swallows. “Sorry, Maks. We didn’t realize you weren’t alone.”

No. For the first time in a long time. I’m not alone.

I glance over at Callisto, who is now seated at the edge of my bed. “Are you parked in the driveway?” I ask him.

He chuckles. “Yes, angel. Right next to you.”

God. Even his laugh is sexy.

He’s sitting on my bed—shirtless and barefoot, with his pants unbuttoned, and I want to jump his bones.Right now.

Brynn looks at Ryleigh, then they both turn to me, the shock apparent in their expressions.Oh, shit.I’m naked, too. And mortified.

I drop my arm and step away from her. I cross my arms over my chest. Embarrassment washes away the nervous tension. I inhale to calm myself. Then, I drop my arms, because what’s the point? My ladybits are still on public display.

God, what a mess.

Brynn grabs Ryleigh’s hand and moves toward the door. “Since we came to keep you company and you already have company, we’ll be going now.” Her words are drawn out and calculated. I’m not sure if it’s an aftereffect of having a gun pointed at her head, or if she’s still processing Callisto’s nakedness.

I get it. It’s a lot of nakedness to process.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” Callisto tells them and I have a feeling that’s as close to an apology as he’s capable of.

“Naked dude holding a gun to my head? That’s a typical Saturday night for me,” Brynn says with a wink.Thank God she has a sense of humor.

She and Ryleigh lean in to give me a hug before they go.

Yes, I’m naked.

No, it’s not at all awkward.

Yes, that was sarcastic.

Brynn whispers in my ear, “Pancakes and bacon. I told you so.” Then she shoots me a wink and walks out.

“I got it,” Callisto tells me when he notices I’m about to follow them to the door. Even though I’m naked. And it’s chilly. And I don’t really want to.

Six months ago, I was calling him arrogant and inconsiderate. But there’s so much more to this man, so very much more.



The next morning, I wake up to the smell of bacon and coffee floating through the hall and into my bedroom.
