Page 6 of Where Demons Hide

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After several seconds and a couple of vagueYeps, he hands my phone back.

“Jaxon is going to bring you to my apartment. I’ll have someone take care of your car. I want you in my bed when I get home. There’s a stack of t-shirts in the top dresser drawer. Take one and put it on. Leave your panties on the kitchen counter. I want to smell you as soon as I walk in.”

His tone is so commanding, it takes every ounce of willpower not to answer, “Yes, sir.”

I swallow. “Okay.”

“That’s my girl. I’ll be home in less than an hour, then that pussy is all mine.”



As soon as the city lights appeared, I called Makenna using the plane’s Voice Over WiFi. I was too on edge to wait a second longer. I’m not the praying type, but I pleaded for Jaxon to get to her in time. When she answered, my heart opened up. The vines that had held it hostage for the past two hours finally broke free. I told her exactly what I needed, not giving a single fuck that Vince was sitting across from me, listening to every word.

I thank Vince, then tell him goodbye. It was his time, his plane, his nuts that got us to that meeting. Now, he’s heading back to Sicily. Vince is a family man. I’m lucky he took the time away from them for as long as he did.

I call Jaxon back. “Is she safe?” I ask before he can finish sayinghello.

“I just left her. She’s at your loft.”

Good. That’s exactly where she’ll stay until I know she’s safe anywhere else.

“Did they touch her?”

He hesitates. “No. But there’s something you need to know.”

“Does it have anything to do with the four missed calls from Anthony?” There’s a reason that motherfucker is nervous, and I’m about to find out what it is.

“He was there with Dave when I went to get Makenna. They were sitting with one of Morano’s men. Shit their pants when they saw me.”

“I’ll handle them.” My eyes were trained on the road, my mind focused on the woman waiting for me at home. But the pulse of anger filled my ears, breaking the empty silence in the car. “Thank you for taking care of Makenna.”


I need to see her, to taste her lips, feel her breath, inhale her scent. Fuck her senseless. The demons raging inside me need an escape and her body is it.

Tonight, she is my sanctuary.

Tomorrow, Eva, Dave and Anthony will be my sacrificial lambs.

Morano is about to find out what happens when I set my demons free.



The soft glow of the city lights and moonlight creeps through a tiny crack in the bedroom curtains, making shadows dance across the room. I’m in his t-shirt, just as he requested. Waiting. Heart pounding. Needy.

The elevator doors slide open, then close again.

He’s here.

All the anxiety from earlier fades away. All the questions disappear. My breath hitches in anticipation the second I hear his footsteps on the bedroom floor. The cool night air kisses my skin when he pulls the covers back and climbs in behind me. I inhale the clean, masculine scent that is only him when he moves closer.

He’s naked. Oh, God. I want to turn around just so I can look at him, so that I can admire every muscle, every plane, every inch of skin. But I don’t want to lose this feeling, his skin on my skin, the heat that emanates from his body to mine.

He circles an arm around my waist, his fingers skimming my belly button as his hands move the black cotton t-shirt to the side.
