Page 65 of Where Demons Hide

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I wince at the bolt of pain and sharp flash of light as my head bangs against the sheetrock when he shoves me against the wall.

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for this? How hard my dick is just thinking about slicing you open and watching you bleed?”

I close my eyes and picture Callisto’s face.Fight for him.My fingers slide across the smooth glass of my phone, praying that somehow, someway I’ll manage to call someone.

His hand wraps around my throat, stealing the air I’ve been fighting to breathe.Hold on, Little Bean.I claw at his arm, breaking skin. Droplets of blood glide over the veins on his forearm and fall to the floor. His other hand rears back, then smacks me in the face. The metallic tinge of blood instantly coats my tongue. He brings his hand up to hit me again, and out of pure instinct I raise my hand to stop him. My phone goes crashing to the floor, skidding across the tile before finally hitting the baseboard and stopping.Shit.His eyes dart to the device then back to mine.

He runs his tongue over his teeth. “This is going to be fun.”

I spit at him, aiming a mixture of saliva and blood from my busted lip at his face. Survival instinct keeps me from drowning in terror.

He cracks his neck from side-to-side. I gasp for air when he moves his hand from my neck. He grabs a fistful of hair and tilts my head back. Something cold and sharp presses against the hollow of my throat.

I can’t breathe.

I close my eyes and think about all the things in my life that lead me to this moment. I don’t regret a single decision. I would die a thousand deaths at the end of a madman’s blade if it meant living a thousand lives with Callisto by my side.

The strangled ring tone of my broken phone bounces off the walls. I used to find shelter within these walls. Now, all I want to do is tear them down and run.

His eyes dart from my cell phone back to me. “I wonder how he’d feel if he knew what I was about to do to you.” He trails the blade over my collarbone, between my breasts, cutting the fabric of my shirt as he goes. His movements come to a halt when he reaches my stomach.

Oh, God. Please, no. Please don’t let this happen.

He inches the knife over near my hip. “Is this where it happened? Is this where the blade of one of my men stole the life from your precious Reid?”

One ofhismen. I was right.Hesent the rose. Nathan was working forhim.

I don’t move. I don’t even breathe.

I understand now what Callisto feels when he says it’s his job to protect me. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what he feels when he says he would die to keep me safe. I’ll do the same for our child.

I’m not going to let him hurt you, Little Bean.

His grip tightens in my hair. “Answer me!”

“Yes.” The word is a whisper. I don’t have the strength to speak. It’s taking every ounce of my courage to keep my baby alive.

I remember bible verses my grandma used to recite while she made chicken and dumplin’s on Sunday afternoons after church.The Lord is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation.I recite it in the corners of my mind that remain in the light.My heart is beating so fast it feels as though it could take flight and soar right out of my chest. The first droplet of sweat trickles down the back of my neck. I blink back tears that threaten to give my fear away.

I will not let him know he’s won.

“I wonder if Cal will mourn you the way he’s mourned his mother all these years. The way he’s mourning his father.” The pressure of the blade tears through my pants and punctures my skin. “My only regret is that he isn’t here to see it.”

He’s going to kill me. He’s going to kill our baby.

I’m walking a tightrope between life and death. Between sacrifice and stupidity. Men like him don’t know the meaning of the wordmercy. They aren’t made that way. I know this because I’m in love with one of them.

I want to fight.

I can’t fight.

I need to run.

It’s too late to run.

I’m trapped. There’s nothing left for me to do. Every cell freezes with awareness. My knees lock. My pulse roars.

“He’ll find you, you know. He’ll come for you. There won’t be a place dark enough for you to hide.” I grin, knowing Callisto will kill this man whether I make it through this or not. “He’s going to make you pay.”
