Page 12 of Marked By Him

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They all watched and waited for my next words. Their curiosity didn’t surprise me. Not only had I called a spontaneous meeting because of this woman, but no one got past Silas. Isaiah—my other younger brother—either, for that matter. Both of my guards were impassive, which was the very reason they were my guards.

I breathed an inhale through my nose and kept my tone level. “She’s in my basement.”

Ezekiel arched his brows. “Do you think that’s wise?”

“She’s not a threat.”To anything other than me and my dick.

“How can you be sure?” Joseph asked.

“I’m sure.”

He may have been the Prophet, but I was the leader. My judgment wasn’t to be questioned.

“Then why did you call us here?” Jacob added.

We were the most alike of all the men on the council. He was my age. Single by choice. He had a firm countenance but was gentle when he needed to be. He also had a nonchalant way of calling people on their bullshit.

“Because, even as the Shepherd, I won’t make a decision without your wisdom and approval.”

“If she’s in your basement, you’ve already decided,” Ezekiel said.

“What is it that you think I’ve decided?”

He smirked, something only a younger brother would get away with at a time like this. “That she belongs to you.”



“Do you agree with him?”I asked the others.


“Maybe if we could meet her, it would be easier to tell if she’s a good fit for our community,” Joseph said, finally. He was older, more experienced. He’d seen more death than I had. He’d seen more life. He liked to look people in the eye when he spoke to them. He was a lot like my father.

Jacob narrowed his emerald green eyes, studying me. “Thatiswhat you’re asking—if she should stay?”

Is that what I’m asking? Do I want her to stay?

She was hurt, inside and out.

She was different from the rest.

That was why Silas spared her. He saw it too.

She didn’t deserve our punishment.

She deserved freedom.

That was why I’d left her unsupervised.

Why did I call this meeting if I was just going to set her free?

Because I wanted someone else to tell me what I already knew. She belongs here.

“If you’re asking if we should spare her life, I’ll remind you of Matthew 5:21,” Jacob said.

‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’
