Page 44 of Marked By Him

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He winced. His voice was strained. “I can’t. I won’t.”


“Fuck, Eve.” The grip on my neck loosened. “Fuck.” He dropped his head to my shoulder, sinking his teeth in as his body tensed and his cock pulsed inside me.

Tingling sparks of bliss shot from my belly to my toes. My body went taut as my orgasm crested and crashed. My pussy clenched around him.

He moved his lips to my ear. “You have my blood on your mouth and my seed in your cunt.” He nipped my tender skin. “You belong to me now.”



I marked her.

With my blood. My sweat. My cum.

She was mine.

And I took care of what was mine. I’d kill for what was mine.

“We need to go.” Before someone or somethingelse showed up.

This was exactly why my urges were dangerous. All sense of self-preservation disappeared when they took over.

I lifted Eve into my arms, leaving our clothes in piles on the ground. Mine were replaceable and hers were evidence of another time, another life. They were soaking wet and covered in mud, anyway. It wasn’t like we could put them back on.

She looped her arms around my neck, then glanced back at the body on the ground. “You’re just going to leave him there?”

Well, I’m not giving him a fucking funeral.“Yes. Let the others see him. They’ll know we’re not to be fucked with.”

“He’s a human, Roman. Just like you. Just like me.”

She was wrong. He wasn’t human. Humans didn’t betray other humans. We were all supposed to be on the same team. But these motherfuckers were out here trying to join the armies that threatened our very existence.

We were not the same.

I kept walking, stepping over broken branches. “And if he’d killed me first, he would’ve farmed you out to them. That’s what they do, Eve. They bring other humans to their vampire idols, hoping it will earn them a spot among the infected. Human lives don’t matter to them, not even their own.” I slowed when we got to the stream, careful about how I carried her through the water.

She shivered against me when we climbed back onto dry land, reminding me just how delicate and fragile she was. I held her close, breathing hot air on her neck to warm her up. Her hands tightened around me.

I walked past the guard’s cottage, through the stone arch and into the community. The clouds shifted and the sky opened up, bathing us in the moonlight.

The ceremony must have finished. Couples were heading back to their homes. They all wore the traditional white robes we put on before and after the ceremony. They each had the cross painted on their foreheads and a smile of satisfied bliss on their face.

They watched with curious stares as I walked down the middle of the street; my clothes gone, no robe. I didn’t give a shit about my nakedness. They’d seen it before—years ago. But the second their eyes raked over Eve, possessive rage throbbed at the base of my skull. My fingertips dug into her flesh as I curled her body into mine, hiding her from them.

She’s mine.

My back straightened. I politely nodded at each of them as they passed by. I’d run away in the middle of a ceremony, then shown back up naked with a woman in my arms. I owed them an explanation, but I didn’t owe it to themright now.

I stopped when I spotted Joseph. “Find Isaiah. Tell him to meet me at the gate.”

He stared at Eve a minute too long before replying. “Everything okay?”

My head hurt. My nose hurt. My fucking body hurt.

All I wanted was to get the woman in my arms back home, clean her up, then make sure those assholes left our community alone once and for all.
