Page 60 of Shattered

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"After the police leave. As long as she doesn't have any symptoms, she needs to stay longer. All of her vitals have been stable. She doesn't have any major physical injuries. I'm going to talk to her about a therapist. At least for a month. But you know how stubborn she can be."

"All-powerful women are. It's just something you'll have to deal with. Let's get back in. I'll try to talk Cordelia into letting Daphne rest so you can talk to her. We can go pick something up for her to eat."

"Get her pasta from somewhere. That's her favorite. Cordelia should know what's her favorite dish and where it's from."

"On it."

We walk back to Daphne's room in silence. The buzz of the hospital coming alive with nurses going to check patients' vitals and doctors going to give a diagnosis to some. Back in Daphne's room,

we find Cordelia and her in bed together, cuddling. They are holding each other in a way only siblings know. I'm afraid they will lose one another way too soon. They look up at us when we walk in. Their voices were hushed, so I didn't catch what they were talking about.

"Hi, boss," Daphne says to Nisa.

"Daph, in a time like this, formalities do not matter. In fact, when did they ever matter to you."

Daphne laughs, "I guess I was giving it a try. And you're right; it was weird, to say the least."

"How are you feeling?" Nisa goes to the bedside and sits in the seat that I was occupying.

"I know that if I say fine, you will berate me, so I am very sore, but I am not in a lot of pain. Probably because of the wonderful morphine that they got pumping through this IV. It works wonders." She smiles up at Nisa.

"I cannot believe you're making jokes right now. I have to tell you that agents will be by to take your statement." Daphne pales and looks up at me. I give her a slight nod.

"Okay. Do I have to go through everything with them?"

"Anything that you think will help the case against Grey." As

if finally understanding, Daphne just nods. She gets it now that the agents will believe Grey to have gotten away. Not to be wherever Liam stashed him. Hopefully, Liam doesn't fail me on this one. Because if it comes down to it, I will be the first suspect. Rightfully so.

"Okay. I can do that. Thank you for keeping Cor safe. I owe you."

"Nonsense. It's what friends do. Although you can buy dinner next time, we go out to eat."

"Perfect." Nisa looks to Cordelia.

"How do you feel about going to get Daphne a little surprise."

"I think that would be wonderful," Cordelia says. Slowly getting up so as to not hurt Daphne. "I'll be right back, big sis."

I give Nisa a nod as they walk out.

"Why do I believe you did that on purpose?" She's looking at me, and I can tell that some of her fire has come back.

"Just a little bit. We need to talk before the detectives arrive."

"Aw, yes, you want me to lie." Her eyes cast downwards. I have a pit in my stomach from making her do this for me.

"Not exactly. It's just a fib. You were wearing a mask the whole time and didn't see anything. All you heard was a struggle and one gunshot. When you were finally unmasked, it was to behold me, your handsome boyfriend, and Grey was nowhere to be found. Having run off. I'm sorry, Daph, for making you do this."

"It's okay. You protected me once; now is the time to do the same for you. I can do that little fib. So up until that point, I can say what really happened?"

"Yes, you can. Be as detailed as possible to make them believe the ending, too. I'm really sorry. I feel like I am failing you just a little bit by making you do this." She really is brave and strong.

"Nonsense. I'm my own person, and I make my own decisions. If I disagreed with this, then I wouldn't be doing it."

"Okay. How are you feeling this morning?"

"So much better now that I saw Cor. I know that you said she was safe, but physically seeing her just helped out a lot. It calmed my nerves just a little bit. Where are she and Nisa going?"
