Page 103 of Wild Love

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“Go.” I motion toward the door. “I’ll see you at eight.”

She kisses my cheek softly before she turns on her heel and leaves.

With my phone still ringing, I walk over to my desk and glance at the screen.

It’s an unknown caller, but the area code is one I recognize.


“Kade,” I whisper. “You must have sent a new client my way.”

I scoop the phone into my palm and swipe a finger across the screen. “This is Daniel Lawton.”

* * *

I’m nota man who bends to threats.

Dominick can attest to that.

I took a fist to the nose in middle school because I wouldn’t give in to some kid named Timmy or Tommy who gave me two choices one morning. Hand over my lunch or deal with his wrath.

I was a big fan of the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches my mom made, so I told Timmy Tommy to shove it. He did. He shoved his clumsy fist straight into my nose at warp speed.

My nose broke in two places, but while I waited for x-rays at the hospital with my dad at my side, I ate that goddamn sandwich, and it tasted as sweet as I knew it would.

I approach Lia’s desk. Today is her last day. The occasion was marked with cupcakes in the break room this morning and a sentimental speech from Dominick, even though Lia has only worked here for a few months.

“What can I do for you, Daniel?” she asks as she pushes back from her desk. “Are you ready for Operation Surprise GC?”

I’d smile at the fact that she’s given Gina’s surprise party a code name, but I’m too damn pissed at the moment. That phone call from Nevada ruined my entire fucking day.

“Do you know where Gina is?” I ask, trying to keep an even tone.

Her shoulders stiffen. “Oh no. Is the plan falling apart?”

I shake that off because the birthday party is my last concern. Gina is all I’m thinking about at the moment. I need to find her now.

“No.” I take a breath. “I want to up the surprise quotient and show up at her photo shoot.”

I’m firing from the hip, but it’s plausible enough that Lia buys into it. “That’s an incredible idea. I know she’s working with Ella Kara today.”

“Do you know where?” I push. “Where the photo shoot is?”

She shrugs both shoulders, sending her blonde hair drifting onto her back. “I don’t. I can text her and ask, but that would seem suspicious.”

Since I’ve already sent Gina a dozen text messages and tried calling her at least half as many times, she’d reach out to me before responding to anyone else.

That’s not my ego talking. That’s intuition. I know Gina will panic when she sees my repeated attempts to contact her.

“That’s all right.” I nod. “Thanks anyway.”

“You’ll have her at Grandma’s restaurant at eight, right?”

“On the dot,” I promise, even though I have no idea what Gina’s life will look like three hours from now, let alone an hour from now.

“Perfect.” Her smile shines bright. “That’s it for me, Daniel. It’s officially quitting time. I am no longer an employee of Modica.”

“We’ll miss you,” I say to lead this conversation to its end. “But I’ll see you in a few hours.”
