Page 49 of Wild Love

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She fishes in her apron pocket for it before she drops it in my hand. “How’s Daniel?”

Taken off guard, a question pops out before I can think it through. “How’s who?”

She tilts her chin down. “Daniel.”

I shrug. “He’s okay, I guess.”

“Okay, you guess?” She shakes her head. “Your brother told me that Daniel is staying in the extra room in your apartment. You must know how he is.”

I nod. “He’s in Boston. He’s coming back tonight, I think.”

At least, I think he is. I haven’t heard from him since he left yesterday morning, but his note said he’d only be gone a couple of days.

“I like it when he’s in New York.” Her smile lights up her entire face. “I think you like it, too.”

I perk both brows even though she hit the nail on the head. “It doesn’t matter to me where Daniel is.”

“Sure.” She pats my shoulder. “Something tells me you have a small crush on him.”

“No!” I shake my head because the small crush I had on my husband has been steamrolled by the massive crush I have on him now.

“You protest too much.”

“You spend too much time with Dolly.” I smile. “You’re starting to sound just like her.”

Marti leans in to kiss my cheek. “Marrying a man like Daniel would be good for you, Gina. He’d make you happy forever.”

I drop my gaze to the floor so she won’t read my expression because I can’t hide the fact that I’m conflicted about my marriage and the impending annulment I’ll be discussing with Daniel once he’s back.

“Never say never to marrying a good man.” She gives me another kiss. “You need to eat before the lunch rush. I’ll get you something.”

“Minestrone, please.”

“You’ll eat the penne with walnut sauce. I made it myself.”

I try to hold in a smile since I’ve attempted to order a bowl of minestrone for years, but Marti always serves me exactly what she thinks I want to eat. “It sounds delicious, Grandma. I’ll eat and get right to work.”

She glances at one of the servers who are working today. I’m in here so often that I know everyone by name and most of their family members, too.

“I feel better,” she says in barely more than a whisper. “You came to my rescue.”

I pat her hand. “I’m only ever a phone call away, Grandma. I’ll come whenever you need me. I love you.”

With a gentle touch, she tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “I love you too, my Gina. I love you, too.”



Boston turnedout to be a hell of a lot more fun than I thought it would be.

Having dinner with my client was superb, as it always is.

Gerti Penland is a spry ninety-seven-year-old with a financial portfolio nearing two billion dollars. Her wealth has been accumulated through inheritances from both sides of her family, and the sale of the business she launched with her husband when they were first married.

After his death, she sold it at the right time and retired in Boston, leaving behind her life in New York City and all the memories she’d made there.

Since then, I’ve spent my time helping Gerti organize a storage closet in her condo. A good wealth manager has no problem rolling up the sleeves of his expensive button-down shirt to get the job done.
