Page 61 of Wild Love

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She nods, signing back to me.Very

I glance at the house again. “Kelly’s family has owned this home for years. She divides her time between here and Manhattan. When I first spoke to her, she explained they would be here for the weekend. I told her I was more than happy to make the drive up. There’s something I want to show you before we head back to the city.”

Gina taps her chin with her finger. “What do you want to show me?”

“It’s another surprise.”

Her eyes shine bright. “So far, I really like your surprises. How do I look? I don’t have any chocolate on my lips, do I?”

I laughed when she pulled a chocolate bar out of her purse soon after we left Manhattan. I declined when she offered me a piece because I could tell how much she was enjoying it.

I lock eyes with her. “No chocolate in sight.”

“Good,” she whispers.

Although I have an overwhelming desire to lean forward to kiss her, I stop myself. It’s not the time or the place, but something tells me that before this day ends, my wife and I will share our first kiss.



I can’t takemy eyes off the sight in front of me.

Daniel is holding little Asa Bires as he sleeps. The baby was fussy when we first walked into Kelly’s home. It was clear from the look on Romy’s face that she was flustered.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, and although she blamed those on the happiness she felt at meeting me, I suspect they were grounded in lack of sleep and being a first-time mom.

I saw that look on Bella’s face in the first few weeks after Luisa was born. Even though she had Barrett and our entire family to help her, she still felt overwhelmed at times.

I made a point of visiting them a few evenings each week at their apartment in Brooklyn. I’d show up without an invitation with bags of food from Calvetti’s in hand and an offer to take care of the baby while they both slept.

I know my sister appreciated the sleep more than the food because I could see the gratitude in her eyes after she napped and showered.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, so I shift my attention away from my husband holding a tiny baby to the young woman at my side.

Romy Bires is a petite blonde-haired, blue-eyed graduate of Yale.

Her mom filled me in on that right after introducing us to Romy and Asa. I could hear the pride in Kelly’s voice and see embarrassment redden Romy’s cheeks as her mom listed her accomplishments.

I admire you.Romy signs.

I nod in gratitude before I sign my response to her.I admire you. Yale and a baby. You graduated when you were pregnant?

Six months pregnant.She responds with a smile.

I look at Daniel to find him staring at the bundle of wonder in his arms. I try to push the thought of what he’ll be like as a father out of my mind.

I can’t go there.

I’m going to Las Vegas tomorrow to get an annulment because we both want that.

Don’t we?

Romy steps closer to me before she signs another question.Not to pry, but is he your boyfriend?

This is the first and only chance I may have to tell someone that the gorgeous man standing across the room is my husband, but I shake my head and sign back.No, a family friend.

She nods before her hands move to ask a question I sensed was coming.What was it like growing up with a deaf parent?
