Page 103 of Crashed

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“I want to punch you in the face,” Trey said, hot, thick anger in his voice.

“If that’s what you need to do.”

But Trey snorted in disgust. “It’s no fucking fun if you’re just going to stand there and let me do it.” A minute ticked by, then another. “Now what?”

“Now ... ” Travis rubbed a hand over his hair. “Now I’m flying out to talk to Mom and Dad ... and everybody else.”

Trey just stared at him for a second, then he looked at Ressa. “Yesterday was your last day before our vacation, right?”

Wary, she eyed him. “Yes.”

“Good. We’re going with him.”

“Ahhh ... ”

Trey narrowed his eyes on his twin. “Shove it. I’m not letting you drop this on everybody without us. Besides, I’m assuming you’re telling us all of this because you’re sticking bodyguards on us. It’s just as easy to protect us all in one place versus multiple—and I’d rather my kids and wife be on the other side of the country from whatever the hell is going onhere.”

Travis cut a look at Ressa.

She held up her hands. “Don’t look at me. He’s your brother. You ought know to how stubborn he is.”

“So, it went okay?”

As the plane sped through the sky, barreling westward, Travis scraped his nails down his unshaven jaw and tossed a look toward his brother whom he saw playing a game with Neeci and Clayton.

Ressa was sleeping. She’d closed her eyes almost the moment the plane started to taxi and dropped off.

Travis couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so easily.

“More or less,” he said, cradling the phone to his ear. He wanted this part over with—as much as he missed his family, as much as he knew he owed them these explanations, he didn’t like being away from Isabel right now. He wanted to settle this mess with Beresford.

The plane, charted privately by Miles rather than the agency, was luxury defined, and he sat in the very back, his eyes on his family while the hired security team remained on duty.

The other teams were already in place and each had checked in with Travis. Sebastien and Marin were the hardest to keep eyes on, since they lived in the house Marin had bought years before in Malibu and it wasn’t exactly someplace you could park a car and just watch through a pair of binoculars. They were also going to be the hardest target, though, and so, likely, the safest from anybody Beresford might try to send after them.

Just to be on the safe side, Miles had arranged to contact both Sebastien and Marin’s agents with an anonymous tip about a possible stalker who was targeting Sebastien. With Marin so far along in her pregnancy, they didn’t want to risk scaring her, and because of her pregnancy, they knew Sebastien would do whatever was necessary to keep her calm, including going along with the agent’s suggestion of having some security guys on site.

Miles had intervened there, as well, and calmly swapped out two of his own with the team that had initially been sent out. Those two, for the time being, had agreed to keep quiet for a minimum of six hours, no more, to give Miles’ men time to explain things to Sebastien—which meant Travis had to see his baby brother first.

“What does more or less mean?” Isabel asked warily.

“I mean, he only threatened to hit me once or twice.”

“Oh. Okay.” She blew out a breath. “That’s good then. You two are okay?”

At that moment, Trey looked up, a half-smile on his face as he met Travis’s eyes.

Travis smiled back, relieved when there was no tension in his twin’s face as he went back to playing Uno with the kids. “He’s my twin. We’ll be okay. Ah ... speaking of twins, what’s going on with your sisters?”

Isabel groaned. “Did you have to ask?”
