Page 115 of Crashed

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While Isabel and Ryeworked on making coffee, Miles let Travis update him on his family situation. That took all of five minutes—and would have taken less time if Ellison hadn’t interrupted.

“Wait a minute ... Sebastien and Marin ... you’re not ... ” She gaped at Travis. “Are you talking about Sebastien Barnes and Marin Lassiter-Barnes ... as inthebiggest couple in Hollywood right now? Youcan’tbe talking about them. There’s onlyoneother brother and he’s Trey’s twin.”

“Yeah. That’s my twin,” Travis said. “Why? You want an autograph?”

Ellison started to laugh scathingly but Isabel and Travis just watched her, as did Miles. The rest looked interested, but that was it.

And Ellison’s laughter choked off, then faded.


“I don’t see the point in lying about something like that.”

Ellison started to sputter. “But Trey’s twin isidentical. I’ve seen pictures.”

“They’re twins, Ellie,” Isabel snapped, irritated. “I met both Zach and Trey. It was years ago and I doubt they remember.”

“My parents remember you,” Travis reminded her.

Ellison was still gaping.

Clearing his throat, Rye said, “While it’s lovely to be in the same room with somebody almost famous, can we discuss why we’re really here? It’s a little thing called a potentially dangerous ex-felon with a history of violence who wants to harm atleastone individual in this room?”

“I think that’s a good idea.” Miles cleared his throat and pulled a pair of wire-rimmed glasses from his pocket before picking up a file folder on the table in front of him. “I’ve had several likely sightings—and a couple of potential sightings. The most recent was near Freeport.”

“Here in Maine,” Isabel said to nobody in particular. A chill raced down her spine and Travis covered her hand with his.

“Yes. It was first reported last night by a state trooper. A few select troopers with the state police have been keeping a ... ” Miles paused and pursed his lips. “A discreet eye on him.”

Travis made a low sound deep in his throat, one that sounded a lot like a growl.

Isabel turned her hand over and tightened her grip on the strong fingers holding hers.

“That’s barely an hour away,” Ace said, looking up from her phone. “This place here is barely a speck on the map. If our target knows where Ms. Franklin lives, he could be here atanytime.”

“He’s still in the Freeport area.” Miles picked up his phone, tapped the screen a few times, and read something. “Once I heard about the sighting, I had two of my most trusted head to that area. One of them got eyes on him this morning when he left his motel. He’s 99.9% certain our target.”

“Then why don’t theyarresthim?” Ellison demanded.

“You don’t want to risk him using it as an excuse to cry foul if this goes back to trial,” Marilyn said before anybody else had time to respond. She looked at Isabel, then at Ellison. “Right now, he’s just driving down a road in Maine. They can’t trace the calls to him, not with 100% accuracy. It’s all speculation. And I imagine he’s thrown away whatever cell phone he’s used. Until he’shere, threatening Isabel in person, all he’s done is skip out on parole.”

“Yes,” Miles said, not wasting any words.

Travis wanted to hit something, but he knew Miles wasn’t wrong.

“It’s the best way.” Isabel’s voice was soft. “We can’t take the chance he just goes back to jail for a few years or ... worse, gets a slap on the wrist.”

“Exactly.” Miles looked at her and his expression was as hard as Travis had ever seen it. “He spent years trying to find a way out and when he saw it, he planned, calculated and executed his plan, then focused on nothing but making his way here. He’s dangerous, Bella. One of the last things I plan to do on this earth is to see you, and your sisters, safe from every last threat posed by your father. It’s the least I, and this country, owe you.”

Isabel sniffed, then managed a watery smile. “Miles, you’ve done ... so much, already. But thank you.” Her hand tightened even more on Travis’s. He stroked her thumb over his and he felt a tightness in his chest, wondered if he’d ever be able to find the words to thank the stubborn old bastard in front of him.

“Don’t thank me,” Miles said, shaking his head. “Please. Now ... we need to discuss the safest way to extract those kids and your sisters.”

“Wait a minute.” Ellison slapped her hands on the table.

Marilyn set her jaw and shook her head.

Isabel looked at each of them and shook her head. “It’s not up for debate.”
