Page 121 of Crashed

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But he most certainly wasn’t having a good fuckingdayand the last thing he’d needed was to get back in town and find out hiswifewasn’t able to come pick him up from the diner.

His piece-of-shit brother had dropped him off there and told him he had to get back to Bangor, and couldn’t even be bothered to drive the extra ten miles to take Lloyd home. And after Lloyd had been helping him build all that shit for his dumbassman cave.

How much had his brother, hisfriend, paid Lloyd for all the work he’d put in?

Two hundred and fifty bucks.

The amount of work he’d put in should have landed him a thousand, easy. Over a week’s worth of work and he’d gotten two-fifty, a lousy couch to sleep on in the basement and a few beers at night while Lewis and his girlfriend Tamara either flirted or fought. Either way, they always spent the night fucking in the bed over where Lloyd had been forced to sleep while doing the work, and that just served to remind him that his wife never seemed interested in doing her wifely duties.

Sometimes, he thought she might spend too much time talking to that high and mighty bitch across the street because the last time he suggested she show more interest in her husband, she’d looked down her nose at him in a way that had about made his dick fall off from frostbite.

Who the fuck wanted to touch a woman who made you feel like that?

Not Lloyd.

So he didn’t mind disappearing for a few days to go work for his brother or do a job for a buddy. But it was just his luck his truck had broken down while he’d been staying in Bangor and he didn’t have the money for the part he needed. Nor would his brother help him out with it, either.

So his truck was stuck in his brother’s driveway for now and he was stuck in the diner, waiting for Bridgette to call so he could get a ride home.

He’d been calling her half the day, it seemed. She hadn’t even paid his phone bill—hadrefused, saying she wasn’t going to pay for the package he wanted, so if he wanted it, he had to pay for it himself—and so his service had been cut off and half the money he’d made needed to cover that.

The moment his service was reactivated, a shit-ton of texts and missed calls lit up the screen, too. Several from her, but now that he was trying to call her, did she answer?

Fuck, no.

Finally, though, after he’d been trying for over an hour, she’d finally answered and he’d told her she’d have to come pick him up from work. She’d gotten pissy, told him she wasworking. Did shecarethat this was an emergency and he was stuck there at the diner with his back hurting him? Hell, no.

He’d pointed that out, but instead of understanding, instead of listening, his fuckingwifehad told him they couldn’t be at the house.

Some horseshit line about electrical work being done on lines near the road. She was staying somewhere else for a few days.

He’d already bought a six-pack of beer and had drank a couple of them out back behind the diner while he waited for her to call him back. Now, with the rest stowed in various pockets of his jacket to keep out of sight of the diner’s managing harpy, he stared at the table and brooded.

The buzz from the beers made it a little hard to think straight, but he was almost certain his wife was making up stories.

This was her way of telling him she’d left him.

The hell she could just go and disappear on him like that.

And what about their boy? A kid needed his mama. Or was she planning on taking Brant with her? Ah, hell no on that. Brant was his boy.

He picked up the phone to call her again, but it just rang and rang before abruptly clicking off. A few seconds later,hisphone rang and he grabbed it without reading the name on the screen. “Bridgette, so help me, if you don’t get your ass down here—”

“Ah, yes, Mr. Brimley?”

The cool, professional voice cut into his rant and he stopped, surprised.

This wasn’t his wife.

“Yeah, this is Lloyd Brimley. Who the fuck is this?”

“This is Joseph with Coastal Cooperative Electric and—”

“I ain’t never heard that name before,” he said, interrupting.

“We’re a subsidy of your local electric company, Mr. Brimley and we’ve been hired—”

“Oh, the fuck you have. Leave me the hell alone,” he snapped and ended the call. As he dumped the phone on the table, a shadow fell over him and he glanced up, ready to tell whoever it was to leave him the fuck alone.
